CleverCloud / Quercus

Java implementation of PHP, by Caucho's Technology, Clever Cloud Development Branch
GNU General Public License v2.0
50 stars 12 forks source link

Caucho #0004483: Root-level namespace not working #33

Closed Kdecherf closed 13 years ago

Kdecherf commented 13 years ago

The following PHP 5.3+ code is valid, and does not produce any errors when interpreted with mod_php5:

<? namespace foo;

function foo(\Exception $e) { }

The same code when interpreted by Quercus 4.0.11 produces the following error:

com.caucho.quercus.parser.QuercusParseException: index.php:2: namespace identifier is not allowed at '\Exception' in index.php

Reported by tokeefe