CleverNucleus / data-attributes

Minecraft Fabric mod that overhauls the entity attributes system and exposes it with datapacks.
MIT License
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Possible incompatibility with AuthMe #24

Open Robnewww opened 1 year ago

Robnewww commented 1 year ago

I managed to isolate this mod as the reason users cannot join Multiplayer servers in my modpack. Line 1121 is where this occurs but I've attached the whole log in case you need any of it, seems like a netty issue possibly expected packet length. I also cannot be certain if it is Data-Attributes or PlayerEx since this is a dependency.


Additionally, is it possible to use the mod with an alternative mod such as AttributeFix as a replacement for Data-Attributes and if so how would I do so? Thanks for any help!

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

Hi there, This could indeed be caused by Data Attributes; I appreciate you narrowing it down and verifying before making this post. I suspect that this can occur when a) there are a lot of mods sending data S2C on join; b) there is a large datapack configuration loaded by Data Attributes.

Does this still occur with XL Packets (or similar)?

The thing is, I'm not certain that this issue is necessarily fixable if the problem is indeed just too large a packet size and the aforementioned doesn't solve it.

It is not possible to use AttributeFix instead of Data Attributes. Furthermore, AttributeFix is actually incompatible with Data Attributes as they have overlapping capabilities. Thanks.

Edit: Are you using a proxy server or some kind of plugin like velocity or similar? I've had a few reports brought up previously that occurred when something messed with the packets upon joining.

Robnewww commented 1 year ago

I don't currently use a proxy server and for the sake of testing, I'm running a local fabric server on 1.18.2. In addition to this, there is likely a lot of data pack, well, data being loaded.

Result: Not a success, I am able to join a server if it is hosted locally through localhost or my actual IP Address however if I attempt to connect to another test server or my own one on Shockbyte it brings up the same error Would using less data pack content potentially fix this because I could throw away some mods.

Note: Shockbyte server is purely fabric with no other plugins and almost identical data to the local server.

Tomorrow I'll try running the shockbyte server with purely your mods because there is a fair possibility another mod (or having too many of them) could be at fault here. Additionally, I'll provide someone my modpack and ask them to try joining my 'local' (portforwarded) server.

Robnewww commented 1 year ago

My friend was able to join me on a local server, this could be a proxy issue on shockbytes end or some other related issue with them. Do you know of a hosting solution or some other fixes I could attempt?

Note: it's the same error as before.

Robnewww commented 1 year ago

I have verified through the Shockbyte support team that their servers by default do not run through a Proxy which I just thought I'd verify even if it is fairly obvious.

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

Hi there, Thanks for going to the trouble of verifying that the issue is not caused by a proxy. Unfortunately I'm unsure of what the next steps are in resolving this problem, as I cannot replicate the issue. I will come back to this at some point, but for now I will have to leave it. I apologise for the inconvenience.

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

This issue may have been fixed with the latest release.

itsdinkd commented 1 year ago

Since updating players keep getting invalid session, failed login when trying to connect to servers in my modpack. (1.4.2)


When downgrading to 1.4.1 this ^^^^^ does not happen.

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

1.4.1 this ^^^^^ does not happen.

Does it work with 1.4.1 though?

itsdinkd commented 1 year ago


CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

That's very odd, it shouldn't work with 1.4.1 there's a gamebreaking bug with the attributes not showing up on the attributes screen.

Interesting result though, thank you for the feedback.

itsdinkd commented 1 year ago

Attribute screen? i assume you are referring to playerex? i do not use that.

itsdinkd commented 1 year ago

Also good news. it was not 1.4.2 fault. Turns out the AuthMe mod was reacting to something, not sure what, but I ended up getting the failed to log in message again even after downgrading data attributes. I then removed AuthMe and what do you know? no more failed to login.. which is weird though as I've used Authme in my pack for over a year. either way, its not data attributes.

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

Very interesting indeed. Seems I can chalk this issue up to an incompatibility with AuthMe then.

CleverNucleus commented 1 year ago

This issue may have been fixed with latest release: 1.4.5+1.19.2. However, Since I'm not actively testing this I won't close the issue.