CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Refugee center dialogue project #30579

Open I-am-Erk opened 5 years ago

I-am-Erk commented 5 years ago

I am creating this as an Issue for the purposes of organizing what I need to do and adding it to the 0.E project, with the hopes of getting my bum in gear and finishing most of this off for 0.E

In the process, I am dearly hoping to recruit some other people to work on refugee center dialogue.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The refugee center is one of the first and therefore most important NPC contact points for the game, and for the forseeable future is likely to be the start point of much of the factional interactions. I have been working hard on it for a while but there is still a ton to do.

Describe the solution you'd like
There are several major groups of characters in the refugee center.

  1. The beggars: these are a collection of friends stuck in the lobby of the center. They are too frightened to leave, but not doing well there.

    • [x] Implement beggars
    • [x] Add the option to give the beggars food
    • [x] Add a questline to recruit all four beggars besides Dino Dave
    • [x] Add a questline to help Dino Dave get enough cardboard to complete his secret project
  2. The surface refugees: these are a sort of second class citizen among the free merchants, suitable to be taken into the center but not able to fit downstairs. They live a terrified life on the surface.

    • [x] Add all the characters to the map with stub dialogue (I have to check if I've got them all, I think some are still missing
    • [ ] Add backstory dialogue to all the characters
    • [ ] Jenny Forcette: Complete a questline where she adds pneumatic turrets around the base
    • [ ] The Borichenkos: Complete a questline where you help Boris and Stan deal with the loss of their son
    • [ ] Fatima Al Jadir: Complete a questline where Fatima and the Borichenkos work together to build a wall of junk vehicles around the center
    • [ ] The Singhs: Complete a questline where you help the Singhs build a nondenominational chapel for the other refugees
    • [x] Alonso Latour: Add the ability to purchase Alonso's affections in return for condoms
    • [ ] Draco Dune: Add the ability to bring Draco a guitar and have him and John Clemens start a little band
    • [ ] Rhyzaea Johnny: Once the zombie infestation is cleared, add a questline to get Rhyzaea setting up a counselling office in the empty section of the center
    • [x] Vanessa Toby: Add the ability to buy a haircut from Vanessa
    • Dialogue and quests for the Nunez family, Uyen Tran, and Aleesha Seward pending.
  3. Free Merchant representatives

    • [x] Add dialogue to free merchant representatives discussing the beggar situation and the refugees upstairs. Make sure it updates to the current situation.
  4. Old Guard representative

    • [x] Add brief dialogue discussing the situation with the beggars
    • [ ] Add some small talk options about the state of the world, gated to game time
  5. Guards

    • [ ] Improve the Old Guard / Free Merchants quest to find a mole. Make it necessary to talk to the beggars and refugees about what they've seen and collect clues. Make it possible to accuse the wrong person. Make it possible to select the right person and, instead of killing them, use them as a contact to get in touch with the Hell's Raiders.

Additional context
I am not married to any of the Refugee plots, but I would like to finish the beggars myself. If anyone wants to help me with the Refugees, drop me a comment and we can discuss what to do.

I do not expect to complete this entire project for 0.E but I would like to get the beggars done and all the refugees in at least.

alexanderbk1 commented 5 years ago


There was a proffesional writter voulnteering a week ago in reddit:

I hope I'll be able to contribute myself to the game some day, but I have no programming knowloedge and english is not my first languaje.

I-am-Erk commented 5 years ago

I've contacted them. With any luck they'll get back... so far I'm zero for four on writer volunteers actually following through on offers to contribute.

faefux commented 5 years ago

I've taken a little on at the moment but if you're still not getting anyone following through in a couple of weeks time feel free to message me on the forums, @I-am-Erk

Mooses2k commented 5 years ago

@I-am-Erk I'm game. Just give me direction.

I-am-Erk commented 5 years ago

@I-am-Erk I'm game. Just give me direction.

Easiest thing is to contact me by DM on discord, but otherwise a good starting point would be to pick someone in the refugee center that you find interesting and start writing dialogue for them in a PR. Just let me know so we don't conflict. Draco Dune already exists in game, and would be a pretty good starting one: I planned to give him a quest to help him get a guitar to play music for the other refugees. In my notes he's a pleasant, laid back guy who is doing his best to take this all in stride. He might also trade you some Merch (free merchant money) for marijuana once per week.

PatrikLundell commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I did have several problems with the beggars plot (0.E2 stable), and think there are some adjustments that can be made to make it clearer what you're supposed to do.

Draco Drune's quest worked out OK, although I was puzzled that his grass retrieval activity wasn't noted as a quest. I've since realized the latter was because it's more of a trade option (like flour for bread, and sell stuff in demand to the merchants). It wouldn't hurt to have trade offers noted as a separate trade offers tab on the mission screen, though.


Edit 2:

PaulBlay commented 3 years ago

My issue report got shot down and closed but I still believe that the dialogue for the Free Merchants Broker in the Refugee Center is unintuitive and that something (not necessarily my first suggestion) should be done to make things clearer regarding his bulk buy needs.

I-am-Erk commented 3 years ago

That's not really part of this sub-project, it's a fairly minor tweak to an already written NPC. Feel free to clarify his dialogue to help show which option is about what he wants.

slitherrr commented 3 years ago

I have two small bug reports for this dialog. First is that Boris doesn't actually explain what he wants in the "Ash's Laptop" quest (note the dialog history): image

The second is that Jenny Forcette has an inescapable dialog bug when you have more of the skill she teaches than she can teach (going to guess either fabrication or electronics). It will only present options for "Ok, teach me!" and "I can't learn anything from you" (paraphrased), with no option to leave the tree and leaving a force-quit as the only way out.

PatrikLundell commented 2 years ago

Not sure if I should continue this thread or open a new issue, but here are some issues as of 0.F stable:

Edit: (Minor editing of the above for clarification).

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