CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Cucking Refugee Center merchant #49233

Closed LexLonbray closed 2 years ago

LexLonbray commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

You can repeatedly take "Unknown Recipient" quest from Refugee Center merchant, then sell acquired FEMA Data back to them.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Find/Spawn in Refugee Center
  2. Talk to merchant
  3. Select: Heard anything about outside world?>Any other settlements nearby?>Just that?>Think you could share that meeting location?>Seems like a deal to me
  4. Merchant will give you FEMA Data item
  5. Repeat 1-3 as much times as you want
  6. Sell FEMA Data back for free sheckles
  7. ???
  8. Looks like a deal!

Expected behavior

Not being able to take this quest more than once, quest failing after selling FEMA data, possibly making FEMA data worth nothing.


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Versions and configuration

LexLonbray commented 3 years ago

On a kinda releated note (free money exploits), very surprised this this is still a thing This is as fundamental as it gets in terms of trading system implementation, you shouldn't ever be able to sell higher (or even at the same price, really) than you bought for from the same merchant, even with maxed out relevant skills, stats and merchant trust. How is this not a high priority?

connorpmartin commented 3 years ago

it isn't a high priority because trading generally isn't a well developed mechanic in CDDA right now because right now all prices default to pre-apoc prices, you get stuff like bartering fiction books for $15 the system would have to go through a lot of work to change the current state of being able to use one of any number of exploits to get virtually infinite bartering power: you only really need one or two holes for the system to fall apart to a player who's looking for exploits.

so my understanding at least is that there are so many broken things about trading, from interface exploits to price exploits to the fact that you can sell any amount of any item to any merchant, that getting trading into a workable package would require a pretty massive push.

LexLonbray commented 3 years ago

Exploitable by someone actively looking for exploits is one thing, but being broken on the most basic level is very much another. Getting infinite money like that just by having high (but realistically achievable in a normal game or even at chargen) INT and social skill is comparable to getting immortal character by simply having high STR and dodge values, this shouldn't ever be the case even if trading system isn't well developed.

Surely an extra check after all other adjustments to ensure player can't sell higher than he's buying shouldn't be hard to implement.

natsirt721 commented 3 years ago

Going to echo connorpmartin's point - trading right now is, eh, 'pretty f***ed' I would say - the fact that you can dupe items via the trading interface is a pretty major hole at the moment, and until that gets resolved everything else balance related probably has been backburnered. There's definitely acknowledgement that NPCs and trading are full of holes, just search the issues for 'trade' or 'NPC' and see all the issues (and a few PRs, might I add). If you have a problem with exploiting the traders, the best thing at this point is just 'don't do it'.