CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Android Bughunting #72420

Open AnotherSeawhite opened 2 months ago

AnotherSeawhite commented 2 months ago

A lot of bugs appeared since SDL got updated. This bug report lists not all but most of them. I'll also write possible workarounds on 'Additional context'.

Describe the bug

  1. (RESOLVED) Canvas does not scale properly

This is(was) probably the most problematic bug. When you launch the game, there's a small probability that the canvas will refuse to rescale at all.

  1. Broken IME and composition (Is it happening only in Android?)

When you type CJK characters (haven't tested in Chinese and Japanese), the game inputs the letters in a completely broken way.

  1. Sprites transparency is weird

This is a duplicate of #72213, but I think it's worth mentioning, and it's pretty straightforward. The sprites are more opaque, as if there are two sprites overlapping on top. This does not happen on builds with older SDL versions (needs confirmation). 무제417_20240307080300

Steps to reproduce

  1. Broken IME and composition

This one is pretty easy to reproduce. When you're typing Korean, you type consonants and vowels to complete a letter. This used to work. (wasn't perfect but it worked)

But with new SDL versions, the game inputs... whatever this is. The system that helps you to complete a letter, is completely broken, and it'll spit everything out. (I couldn't think of a better explanation)

  1. Shown above.

Versions and configuration

Additional context

For issue 2, use a keybind that swaps the game's language to English so that you can search for items and use filters, etc.

For issue 3, using software rendering solves the issue, but that would be horrible, isn't it?

If there are other bugs or workarounds that I'm not aware of, please write them in comments. It would help a lot.

Srcwya commented 2 months ago

I noticed my shortcut buttons only pop up after i interacted with a menu that uses them.

That didnt happen for you?

AnotherSeawhite commented 2 months ago

I can't tell if it happened to me. I have fairly less bugs than other people for some unknown reason. Would be appreciated if you post a recording.

Srcwya commented 2 months ago

I can't tell if it happened to me. I have fairly less bugs than other people for some unknown reason. Would be appreciated if you post a recording.

Srcwya commented 2 months ago

Shortcuts only appeared once i interacted with that menu

katemonster33 commented 2 months ago

I installed previous versions of the game before the SDL update and found that you couldn't input non English characters at all, regarding the second issue.

We have issues already for the main issue reported here, I don't see the need for having yet another issue for this.

AnotherSeawhite commented 2 months ago

We have issues already for the main issue reported here, I don't see the need for having yet another issue for this.

You're right, but I've still decided to make an issue of this to organize reproductions and workarounds.

AnotherSeawhite commented 2 months ago

And regarding the non-English keyboard, this is how it should work. Tested in 0.G stable.

AnotherSeawhite commented 2 months ago

Perhaps we could find a hint in #63672? Oh and as always, thank you for your effort and hard work.

katemonster33 commented 1 month ago

And regarding the non-English keyboard, this is how it should work. Tested in 0.G stable.


This is what I see on 0.G when I open the standard android keyboard and select Korean input. Keyboard keys do not change

AnotherSeawhite commented 1 month ago

Ohhh you meant that? Now that's concerning. We might need others to confirm this.

AnotherSeawhite commented 1 month ago

You're using Pixel, right? It's probably using Gboard as default keyboard. Can you record a video of attempting to change the language input?

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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