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Nether Monster Corpses - Yugg #73303

Open Karol1223 opened 1 month ago

Karol1223 commented 1 month ago



Purpose of change

Our Nether monsters have a plethora of different things that happen to their corpses on death. While this is on brand for chaos bullshit the nether is, we can do better than having them always disappear or just... give normal corpses, like this guy here.

Describe the solution

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context

The reason Yugg goes first is that it was the one most edible out of the bunch, and it really rubbed me the wrong way

GuardianDll commented 1 month ago

> glass (pile of glass shards) i surely hope glass shards are accelerated toward any living and unliving creatures around?

Karol1223 commented 1 month ago

glass (pile of glass shards) i surely hope glass shards are accelerated toward any living and unliving creatures around?

So did you ever figure how to do that for your bombardier boomers so I can steal it from you, or are you trying to fool me into figuring out how to do this so you can steal it for the boomers? 🤔

GuardianDll commented 1 month ago

sadly there is no proper way to use shrapnel from spell/EoC side, unless you want to make a spell, that just explode around

Standing-Storm commented 1 month ago

and take away HAS_MIND which appears to be a flag cargo culted across most nether creatures

I added that, it's used in MoM and XE. It's for monsters with consciousness and that are capable of thought (I thought it was more interesting to imply that Yuggs were sapient). If Yuggs are just animals, they shouldn't have it.

Karol1223 commented 1 month ago

and take away HAS_MIND which appears to be a flag cargo culted across most nether creatures

I added that, it's used in MoM and XE. It's for monsters with consciousness and that are capable of thought (I thought it was more interesting to imply that Yuggs were sapient). If Yuggs are just animals, they shouldn't have it.

To be fair, when I read what the flag implies I assumed it was something used in MoM but I didn't check GitBlame. I laughed around a little on the devcord about this meaning Yuggs just find it funny to mutate survivors into weird shit, didn't realize it was intentional. The flag doesn't change anything for me so I'll give it back to them

Karol1223 commented 2 weeks ago

@GuardianDll I'm gonna need your review as to why the hell do the messages I wrote for the EoC not get printed

GuardianDll commented 2 weeks ago

Because you use u_message, but in case of EoC, run by death effect, u is monster, and npc is avatar. Swap u_message to npc_message

fairyarmadillo commented 2 weeks ago

If you are looking for more nether critter corpse ideas, either here or in a future PR, having some of them petrify and rapidly burn into a pile of quicklime would be both really cool and situationally handy. There have been a few occasions where I needed a ton of the stuff and it can be kind of annoying to track down.

TheSaddestGoomba commented 2 weeks ago

If you are looking for more nether critter corpse ideas, either here or in a future PR, having some of them petrify and rapidly burn into a pile of quicklime would be both really cool and situationally handy. There have been a few occasions where I needed a ton of the stuff and it can be kind of annoying to track down.

The Nuckelavee may be a good choice for that, though with washing soda instead of quicklime. There are elements of period folklore that claim burning seaweed for soda ash would enrage them. Makes some sense they would collapse into a steaming pile of what they hate.

Karol1223 commented 2 weeks ago

If you are looking for more nether critter corpse ideas, either here or in a future PR, having some of them petrify and rapidly burn into a pile of quicklime would be both really cool and situationally handy. There have been a few occasions where I needed a ton of the stuff and it can be kind of annoying to track down.

I do need ideas, but I am still really trying to feel out just how helpful I want those corpses to be. Keep in mind that nether monsters are infinitely renewable. I do not want to make minecraft-esque material farms. I already am making those for glass and rubber with this, and I don't like that.

The Nuckelavee may be a good choice for that

Full disclosure, I likely will not touch the Nuckalavee at all with this project. It's currently my least liked Nether critter since it is 100% just a direct rip from folklore. I feel a similar way about the albino penguin (with the difference being it is a direct rip from Lovecraft, as opposed to being named after Lovecraft critters with most of our other similar fellas) but it gets more leeway because penguins are awesome.

GuardianDll commented 2 weeks ago

> I already am making those for glass and rubber with this Replace glass with black glass, iirc it's completely useless