CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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What happened to the water? Map generation error? #73489

Closed IdleSol closed 2 weeks ago

IdleSol commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

That's the river on the left. An earthen river.


Oh, look at the new pools. I hear the mud baths are quite popular.

test 2

Attach save file


Steps to reproduce


Expected behavior



test 3

Versions and configuration

Additional context

No response

PatrikLundell commented 2 weeks ago

It's my fault... Sorry!

I screwed up when introducing support for empty space. That caused the roof adding magic to consider deep water to be empty space suitable for a "roof" for the ground beneath it (and that "roof" is dirt).

The good thing is that it's been fixed and accepted into master, but the bad thing is that the damage caused won't be undone. Thus any new deep water features will be generated correctly, while the destroyed ones will remain destroyed.

NetSysFire commented 2 weeks ago

Couldnt you fix this with the debug menu by regenerating the affected overmap tiles?

PatrikLundell commented 2 weeks ago

Well, yes, it should be possible to do a few hack things, all with their own drawbacks:

IdleSol commented 2 weeks ago

I must have misunderstood you. But this is a brand new save created in this version of the game. This world was created to find generation errors in house tiles.

So all new worlds created in future versions will have this.

NetSysFire commented 2 weeks ago

It is fixed in master. Update and the worlds will no longer generate like this.

Closing as fixed.