CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Hostile map specials shouldn't spawn on Isherwood tiles #73493

Open MNG-cataclysm opened 2 weeks ago

MNG-cataclysm commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Hostile and dangerous map specials, like giant wasp nests, bombs, and other such things can spawn on Isherwood map special tiles. This can lead to weird interactions that involve the family possibly dying, random or otherwise, when they should have taken care of these things before problems like that arose.

Attach save file

N/A, this occurs across multiple save files.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to the Isherwood farms.
  2. Sometimes see that farmhouses might be occupied by giant wasps, or even some NPCs be blown up to crater bombs.
  3. Possibly die yourself if you're too close to these things.

Expected behavior

I expect that the Isherwoods shouldn't have these hostile map specials spawning, since they should logically have killed off any big bugs, and their farm likely wouldn't get bombed.


Isherwood error

Example of Lisa's farmhouse having a giant wasp nest in it.

Versions and configuration

Additional context


FlyingSpaceRhino commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm that I once got jumpscared by a wasp nest on the roof of one of their silos.

Bobtron commented 1 week ago


Bobtron commented 6 days ago

Anyone know if there is a flag for controlling where or not these map extras spawn on the 'map specials'? Don't recall this bug happening for the refugee center, but when I checked jsons related to it, could'nt find flags related to this