CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Sidebar. The position of widgets should not change when changing the language #73506

Open IdleSol opened 2 weeks ago

IdleSol commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I often have to change the game language from Russian to English and back again. Mainly to write bug reports.

If after changing the language, I save the game and exit to the main menu, and then load from the save. Then the position of widgets on the sidebar changes.

  1. The world is created when using English in the settings. This is what the sidebar looks like, customized by me:

test 1

I change the language to Russian, save the game and exit to the main menu, then load from save. This is what it should be and what I get: test 1 test 2

  1. Reverse situation. I customize the panel, in the game with Russian language. I change it to English, save and load:

test 3 test 4

  1. This is also different from the default widget position. To test it, I removed the panel_options.json file

test 5

Attach save file


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a world
  2. Change the order of the sidebar widgets
  3. Change the language to another language
  4. Save the game and exit to the main menu
  5. Load the game
  6. Compare the order of the widgets

Expected behavior

I would like the widgets to stay where they are.


No response

Versions and configuration


Additional context

I would like to ask those who understand something about this to check the resources consumed by the sidebar. When using English and when using Russian.

English panel_options.json

    "panels": [ 
      { "name": "Hit Points", "toggle": true }, 
      { "name": "Hit Points (num)", "toggle": false }, 
      { "name": "Stats", "toggle": true }, 
      { "name": "Movement", "toggle": true }, 

Russian panel_options.json

    "panels": [ 
      { "name": "Очки здоровья", "toggle": true }, 
      { "name": "Очки здоровья (цифр)", "toggle": false }, 
      { "name": "Хар-ки", "toggle": true }, 
      { "name": "Движение", "toggle": true }, 

Does this mean that when using Russian, there are additional operations to translate the name from Russian to English?