CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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fix: AIM Now moving all items will not move favourite items, if other items are present. #73512

Closed Brambor closed 1 week ago

Brambor commented 1 week ago


Bugfixes "Now moving all items will not move favourite items, if other items are present."

Purpose of change

fix #73510

Describe the solution

There was a typo. The code ignored whether an item is favourited when all items couldn't fit into the destination.

I fixed that typo.

If the destination doesn't fit all moved items, then the current implementation behaves the same when:

  1. You have items and favourite items.
  2. You only have non-favourite items.

In either case, it only tries to move non-favourite items. Even if only favourite items fit.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Now when no ordinary items fit into the destination, but some favourite items do, nothing happens. I concluded this is preferred behaviour over asking the player if they want to move favourite items, since no non-favourite items fit. This would lead to more frustration than benefit I believe. Also, this is less code. Also, the original author probably wanted the current implementation.

Possible frustration scenario:

  1. The player doesn't read the second prompt.
  2. "Yeah sure."
  3. "Wait what? Why did it move my favourite item, when I still have a pillow to be moved?"

Another frustration / time-wasting scenario: The player reads the prompts and is annoyed that whenever the vehicle is full of loot, it asks them if they want to move their bandage.


Tried to move favourite * 0.12L hunting knife and 3.5L down-filled blanket to destination with 1L space. It asked, "Not all fits, move anyway?"

Additional context