CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Zombies attack spore clouds #73521

Open DragonWizard23 opened 1 week ago

DragonWizard23 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

Zombies attack spore clouds, which cannot be harmed. It's a little silly that they try to attack what would just look like a cloud of dust.

Attach save file


Steps to reproduce

Get some zombies and bring them towards a fungaloid. When the fungaloid makes spores, the zombies will attempt to attack the spores.

Expected behavior

I did not expect zombies to try to attack spore clouds. I realize that they currently use monster code, but it makes about as much sense as zombies trying to attack a cloud of smoke or tear gas.


Here is a log screenshot of the behavior. image

Versions and configuration

Additional context

This bug does not cause a crash.

ADekema commented 1 week ago

Given how stupid zombies are supposed to be attacking a spore cloud might actually be fine.

DragonWizard23 commented 1 week ago

Hi ADekema, thanks for your input!

I thought about this, but I don't think that a cloud of spores would be visible enough for a zombie to consider it to be something that can be attacked. Re-reading the spore cloud description: A mass of spores the size of a balled fist, wafting around in the air. I think this can be interpreted as each spore is the size of a balled fist, or the whole cloud of spores is the size of a balled fist.

Our zombies, while dumb, don't attack similar effects (smoke, tear gas, toxic gas, etc). Maybe we could model the spore clouds as a gas instead of as monsters...

toweroglass commented 1 week ago

i think you have a point. they also don't attack frogs, birds and other small animals these days. so regardless of their intelligence the spores shouldn't be a target for them.