CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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extend zombie security guard drops #73821

Closed casswedson closed 2 weeks ago

casswedson commented 2 weeks ago



Purpose of change

Describe the solution

I feel like my security guards need some love, give 'em a little personality.

  1. keep their weapon selection close to home, close to what the ferals security have, m9 1 to 2 mags and a little ammo with a baton or a tazer with a baton

  2. gotta stay fancy, being a security guards means dressing the part they don't really expect combat is my head canon - dress shirt, black pants, a belt, good shoes, misc regular people things like glasses, a watch, kevlar vest or ballistic vest, socks ofc they didn't have socks before

  3. tone down "prob", for a more consistent expirience, you kill a security guard you'll find an average person with some body armor and posibly a gun, I say that's perfect

Describe alternatives you've considered


samples: Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-29-05 Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-28-01 Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-27-28 Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-27-15 Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-27-07 Screenshot_2024-05-15_21-26-52

Additional context