CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
9.77k stars 4.07k forks source link

Backport #70875 #73851

Closed Procyonae closed 2 weeks ago

Procyonae commented 2 weeks ago



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Backport #70875

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Spell checker encountered unrecognized words in the in-game text added in this pull request. See below for details.

Click to expand * *pulls out a sheaf of mismatched papers, and leafs through the pages for a second. Their broad metallic fingers look surprisingly deft and delicate, and incongruous on the otherwise unremarkable **looseleaf**. "Aye, an' there's room for a pop-an-work roun' here. Rubik's got tassed a **lissy**, right and clean." * Ah, a real monger's eye, ye be. Them's the mettle o' many a year of trials. Us'n'**ve** been clashin **wi**' the Enemy for a long an' then, an' o'er the turns us'**ve** worked out some **ve**stments for the job. Keep's a walker **walkin**' longer, an I'm ken. This'n keeps some o' the parst in an' around, but ye'd be tassed to make the **ve**stment **wi**th the grease o' your own brow. * That be a right welcher, eh? Afore us'n were to this land, the preface were on a half-score century by the reckonin'. Landed us in amidst of a war'd turned wrong, for an' as the dead had come back in. By the butcher's block, not much an unusual case, really. The Enemy makes us fight. By an' by, we came in, an' by then the killin' fields were plump and ready to harvest the bronze. 'Tain't no steel-of-the-lake, but '**tis** a good dross metal for holdin' off a nibblin' mouth, so we kept a few o' their vestments an' stickers for to trade. * That's pretty hopeless talk. I'**ve** killed a lot of zombies, I can beat this 'Enemy' too.

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