CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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More Mutagen Testing Logs: Part I #74606

Open DoctorBoomstick opened 1 week ago

DoctorBoomstick commented 1 week ago



Purpose of change

Once upon a time, @GuardianDll mentioned they would like some more mutagen testing logs to complement the existing contingent. I here present an appetiser.

Describe the solution

I have added 2 fresh logs as well as, with Guardian's blessing, rewritten logs 1, 2, and 5 for the time being to establish formal consistency with these reports. I have also added conditional names to the report document; however, I have not made it use an EOC pop-up, though I believe this would be better, as touching variant IDs scares me and I don’t know how to do it in a manner that doesn’t cause the game to detonate.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I considered writing more logs before publishing this PR, but these documents, due to my own fault, take quite a long time to produce, and I am juggling them along with other work. As such, I thought it better to put something out there, both to get feedback on what I’ve written, if the style’s good, if the lore’s alright, if the snippets are trash, etc., and to start putting out small bundles at a time. If it is deemed better to change everything in a single PR to avoid a transitional period, I have no issues with putting this in draft until such time as I am able to replace all the pre-existing mutagen logs.


I’ve not tested the new logs in the game; however, they’re simple snippet additions.

Additional context

For reference, my grasp on biology extends to the mighty knowledge that animals have bones in them, so if anybody with actual knowledge finds something incongruently stupid (there’s probably a healthy selection) I will, obviously, change accordingly. Also, thanks to @Venera3 for vetting my proof of concept and workshopping what these snippets should convey, information-wise, and what their overall mood should be.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Spell checker encountered unrecognized words in the in-game text added in this pull request. See below for details.

Click to expand * SUBJECT:\nAfrican American female, 21 years\nSubject height pre-PE012 exposure: 166 cm\nSubject Weight pre-PE012 exposure: 61 kg\nApplication of base PE012 mutagenic catalyst: <1850 U\nApplication of further primer compounds: **unapplicable**\nInvestigation Administrator: Dr. Ginger **Kingsly**\n\nOBJECTIVES:\nInvestigate morphological effects of PE012 when introduced to **localised** areas of physiology and extent of mutation without the introduction of targeted primer compounds.\n\nPROCEDURE:\nFollowing pre-procedure sedation protocol (updated in accordance with amendment **PSD**-6C) of Subject-HF23, subject was perpendicularly restrained: cranium was elevated to a 40-degree angle for clear observation of the aural cavity. A rubber bite block was inserted between HF23's teeth, upon which the subject's labia were drawn back, and injection of PE012 was administered to HF23's mandible gingivae, between the 2nd and 3rd alveolar processes of the subject's incisors. Subject was wheeled into experiment cell B15 and left **immobilised** for live observation of 7.3 minutes.\n\nOBSERVATIONS:\nAt 1:13, subject's gingivae were observed to begin expressing blood; it was also noted that HF23's lower incisors and cuspids appeared to be undergoing displacement, similar to deciduous tooth replacement but on a far more rapid **timespan**. Blood continued to be noted until 3:42, at which point an extreme uptake in discharge took place as the right central and lateral mandibular incisors, as well as the associated cuspid, dislodged from the subject's jaw, replaced by fresh cuspid-like teeth that erupted from the alveolar processes.\nSpontaneous tooth replacement was evidenced across all of Subject-HF23's visible teeth, with cuspids growing at accelerated rates, approximately 0.4-0.65 mm per second, impaling the bite block at 4:33. By 5:32, uncontrolled growth of mandibular teeth had forced subject's jaws to an open diameter of 52-56 mm, with haphazard, visible teeth also developing from the right-side alveolar border of HF23's mandible. Clearance for emergency intervention was **authorised** at 5:36, as documented in footage PE012-HF23-009.\n\nIntervention was unsuccessful.\n\nRESULTS:\nPost-mortem **computerised** tomography scanning revealed that subject's mandible had been overgrown with fresh alveolar processes, both emerging on the inner and outer surfaces of the alveolar border as well as upon the **rami** bones, with 19 teeth found breaching the epidermal layer. Refer to Appendix B for detailed images: figures 12-21.\nMain growth was relegated to Subject-HF23's mandibular sockets, with no noted development on the maxilla's remains. Cause of subject's expiration was assessed to be a cluster of three teeth, all erupting from the left cuspid's alveolar process, which had impaled the hard pallet along with 36 other such teeth and continued to grow, at an increasingly bent angle, through the subject's left ocular cavity and corresponding cerebrum hemisphere.\nRefer to figures 22-29 of Appendix B for **braincase** images and figures 30-41 for photographs of dental samples extracted from HM23's cranium, the largest of which measured 29.66 cm in curved length, 1.2 cm at its base, and was completely composed of solid cementum coated by enamel. * SUBJECT:\nCaucasian female, 41 years\nSubject height pre-PE012 exposure: 161 cm\nSubject Weight pre-PE012 exposure: 59 kg\nApplication of base PE012 mutagenic catalyst: 800 U\nApplication of further primer compounds: PE039-500 U\nInvestigation Administrator: Dr. Victor **Santana**\n\nOBJECTIVES:\nEstablish the extent of phenotypic restructuring when **utilising** high doses of base PE012 configured with targeted primer agents (PE039 derived from **Ardea** **Herodias** samples).\n\nPROCEDURE:\nAdhering to (then **formalised**) pre-trial directive **PSD**-06A, Subject-HF15 was lightly sedated to a mild anaesthetized state within experimentation cell B03 before being provided with 800 U of PE012 and 500 U of PE039 to ingest orally (consult updated directive **PSD**-06B for amendments to this methodology). Subject cooperated without incident and was isolated, unrestrained, within cell B03 for a live observation of 6 hours.\n\nOBSERVATIONS:\nAt 0:04, subject began complaining of elevated temperatures, followed, at 0:05, by an acute itch. A review of high-resolution feeds yielded sight of subcutaneous growths manifesting below subject's epidermis (estimations placed the size of the growths exceeding 3-times that of ordinary dermal papilla), while thermal imaging equipment noted a core temperature increase of 39.6 degrees Fahrenheit since the experiment's start. Despite anesthetization, subject exhibited significant discomfort by 0.07 and increased efforts at scratching themselves as structures reminiscent of calcium feather sheaths began erupting from the papilla. Mild blood discharge was noted as subject scratched follicles and emergent sheets into bursting.\nSubject alarm peeked at 0:13 when calcium sheets on the extensor portion of the upper left arm began to disintegrate as feather rachis, measuring 1.2–3.7 cm, emerged. Anaesthesia proved insufficient to prevent HF15 from panicking as extreme growth of rachis structures developed about the scapula, ocular orbit, upper thorax, and wrists. However, as the progress of phenotypic alterations was not inhibited by the subject's distress, administrator **Santana** elected to allow the experiment to proceed until the designated safety margin of 6:00.\n\nRESULTS:\nHF15 has developed body-wide patches of greyish-blue plumage, extending from the subject's thighs to the hairline, where scattered feather growths were observed in presence across the scalp. Refer to Appendix A for photos: figures 2–10. Investigation of feather **calami** discovered that the subject's plumage developed from HF15's natural dermal papilla, swollen to accommodate shaft structures, with most of the subject's original body hair having fallen out. It is yet unknown how PE012 and PE039 managed to induce generation of beta keratin; however, most feathers appear to be underdeveloped, with weak rachis and rarely developed **barbules** allowing the subject to easily tare out plumage. Refer to Appendix B for specimen photos, figures 10–17.\nPending an inquiry and the enforcement of Amendment **PSD**-6B to avoid unnecessary prolonged subject distress and the mental health of observation staff, Dr. **Santana** has been suspended from the PE-012 **programme** indefinitely. * SUBJECT:\nCaucasian male, 18 years (subject noted to have suffered from surgically-resolved **Parapagus** **twinship** at birth)\nSubject height pre-PE012 exposure: 165 cm\nSubject Weight pre-PE012 exposure: 62 kg\nApplication of base PE012 mutagenic catalyst: 2500 U\nApplication of further primer compounds: PE026-500 U\nInvestigation Administrator: Dr. **Brendon** Levy\n\nOBJECTIVE:\nObserve nature of morphological alterations in a medically atypical subject, **utilising** extreme doses of PE012 configured with PE026 as a priming agent\n\nPROCEDURE:\nSedation directive **PSD**-6B was followed without incident in the preparation of subject HM09. Following the introduction of PE012 and PE026 compounds via the median cubital vein, HM09 was **immobilised** within observation cell B22 for live observation of 2 hours and 16 minutes.\n\nOBSERVATIONS:\nAt 0:09, first phenotypic divergence was noted within HM09's physiology: observing staff reported a gradually growing subdermal bulge forming upon the pelvic girdle, upon the left iliac crest. This development continued until 0:15, by which point subject's core temperature had elevated by 40.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Epidermal rupturing took place across the bulge, revealing extending bone and ligament structures reminiscent of infantile-stage metatarsals and tibia bones, with related soft-tissue structures developing, save for skin. No evidence of proximal connections was noted, though the developing foot displayed a range of distal motion as, at 0:25, the opening stages of sedation-laps were noted.\nHM09 rolled upon their flank; subject's altered position revealed a second protuberance upon the left scapula, protruding 9.4–11.3 cm from HM09's body. Subject regained consciousness at 0:44, by which point the epidermal layer of subject's torso had begun to deteriorate from extreme temperatures. Those consulting footage PE026/HM09-005 should refer to audio transcription present in Appendix B, as subject's screens, following the second protuberance's development of primitive mandibular and maxilla surfaces, compromised recording equipment.\nSubject's secondary head approximated infantile cranial morphology; however, it possessed no ocular or auditory organs and exhibited desiccated skin. Mature gingivae and teeth were observed as, at 0:51, subject's auxiliary head tilted towards HM09's original cranium. Following gnawing of the ocular cavities, Subject-HM09 requested termination.\nFollowing consultation with administrator Levy, this request was denied.\nIR equipment recorded core temperatures peaking at 179.6 F as aberrant limbs continued development, while inflicted wounds by subject's anatomy exhibited cancerous regeneration. By 1:06, the subject's stomach had broken down and began leaking gastric juices, and, at 1:10, observation was rendered untenable as the observation window had steamed over (subject's organs had started to boil in gastric acids).\nAt 2:15, in insubordination of Administrator Levy's instructions, armed security personnel (XCU05), under the direction of supervising officer Adam **Graylen**, breached containment to terminate HM09.\n\nRESULTS:\nFollowing XCU05's actions, subject's body was unrecoverable for further investigation; all members of 05 have refused to provide a description of the subject.\nAs of writing, consideration of XCU05's merited disciplinary actions is pending in light of administrator Levy's attempted extermination by personnel, refer to after action report SR/HM09-005. * SUBJECT:\nCaucasian male, 32 years\nSubject height pre-PE012 exposure: 173 cm\nSubject Weight pre-PE012 exposure: 77 kg\nApplication of base PE012 mutagenic catalyst: 450 U\nApplication of further primer compounds: **unapplicable**\nInvestigation Administrator: Dr. **Jasmeen** **Carson**\n\nOBJECTIVES:\nObserve effects of minor PE012 doses when **localised** to different physiological areas and establish extent of morphological alterations without application of targeted primer compounds.\n\nPROCEDURE:\nFollowing standard pre-procedure injection of sedative compound, 450 U of PE012 was administered to Subject-HM33 within the radial artery of the right hand. subject was restrained for security, with affected arm **immobilised** in clear view, and subsequently isolated within experiment cell B07 for live observation for 4.7 minutes.\n\nOBSERVATIONS:\nAt 1:42, the dorsal skin of HM33's right hand began to grow mottled, peeling from the metacarpal bones and sloughing off. In addition, over a course of 18 seconds, starting at 2:05, fingernails were observed to detach and fall free of the subject's **nailbeds** as rapid necrosis spread to Subject-HM33's fingers, displaying all phalanges. Preliminary ossification of collateral ligaments, volar plate, and extensor tendons was noted at 2:31, resulting in the subject's fingers assuming a curved posture, with **metacarpophalangeal** and **interphalangeal** joints completely ossified as well. Inexplicable laps in sedation occurred at 3:03, upon which HM33 awoke in great distress as the ring and pinky finger phalanges were observed to ossify together into a single structure; similar change took place between the phalanges of the index and middle fingers.\nRefer to corresponding footage, PE012/HM33-008, for details regarding subsequent experiment abortion and intervention at 4:23 through 4:42.\n\nRESULTS:\nThe subject's right hand has turned into three claw-like appendages, with the metacarpal and phalange bones indistinguishable. Surgical exploration of HM33's **rist** revealed that the carpel bones have assumed the role of hinged joints, similar to the function of the **metacarpophalangeal** joints. Despite ossification, the former metacarpal and phalangeal bones seemed to only be slightly sturdier than the subject's regular morphology, with a 19-second window of struggling proving sufficient to mangle, beyond repair, the subject's new anatomy.\nRecommending HM33 for testing of PE 48x to observe the effects of regeneration on subject's destroyed anatomy. Note: in light of **PSD**-6B's deficiencies, further testing of PE012 will use an adapted sedation regime, subject to continuous evaluation to minimize subject distress and emergent intervention rates. * SUBJECT:\nHispanic male, 29 years\nSubject height pre-PE012 exposure: 182 cm\nSubject Weight pre-PE012 exposure: 88 kg\nApplication of base PE012 mutagenic catalyst: 300 U\nApplication of further primer compounds: PE065-300 U\nInvestigation Administrator: Dr. **Jasmeen** **Carson**\n\nOBJECTIVES:\nObserve the nature of physiological restructuring when dosed with miner injections of PE012, configured with PE065 compounds derived from samples of **Ursus** **americanus**, **Eurypharynx** **pelecanoides**, and **Hogna** **carolinensis**.\n\nPROCEDURE:\nTotal pre-procedure sedation was achieved without incident (defer to protocol **PSD**-6B for details), whereupon 300 U, respectively, of PE012 and PE065 were intravenously introduced to Subject-HM25 through the axillary artery. Per new standard directives as of June 21st, subject was lightly restrained within isolation cell B15 for supervised observation of 6 hours.\n\nOBSERVATIONS:\nThroughout the entire observation period, Subject-HM25 displayed no phenotypic alterations, despite infrared imaging registering an elevation of core temperatures by 34.2 degrees Fahrenheit from 0:10 and 14 seconds to 0:36 and 21 seconds. Of administrative Concern, **Drs**. Marten Greenwood and **Betheny** Swan (in charge of the 2nd observation shift) were disciplined when 3rd-shift staff arrived to find them engaged in blackjack rather than observing HM25. Post-experiment review of footage PE065/HM25-002, however, revealed no missed trans-morphological events.\nUpon regaining lucidity, Subject-HM25 was questioned and examined, the transcript of which may be found in Appendix B. However, as nothing of note was discovered, the subject was returned to prolonged retention cell C07 and left under covert surveillance. Over the following 2 days, however, it was noted that both subject's appetite and extent of consumption had drastically increased, demonstrating an inclination to ingest twice the amount prior to experiment; the subject was known for being a light eater previously. In addition, subject was recorded to frequently complain of recurrent heartburn following consumption. At 06:42 on the 3rd day following the experiment, subject was admitted for invasive exploratory surgery.\n\nRESULTS:\nSubject-HM25's stomach body has increased in volume by over 50%, retaining 5985 **ml** of material at maximum stretch. Additionally, parietal cells were found to excrete an acidic compound greater than regular, measured at a PH of 0.4: surgery had to be temporarily suspended as the staff's implements began to erode.\nWhile the alkaline **mucosal** barrier has developed with the digestive juices, the organ's stretch receptors seem to be in a constant state of activation under the stomach's new weight, and the release of glucagon-like peptide 1 and insulin are also delayed, prolonging HM25's food-seeking desires. Curiously, both the pyloric canal and pyloric sphincter have failed to experience an increase in size, resulting in no quicker transfer of chyme to the duodenum and intestines.\nThe subject has been put on a strict food-limit regimen. No additional provision of food outside of regular servings should be provided to HM25, barring approval from Dr. **Carson**. Subject is to be supplied with an adequate measure of antacids and be regularly reviewed for the prevention of peritonitis.

This alert is automatically generated. You can simply disregard if this is inaccurate, or (optionally) you can also add the new words to tools/spell_checker/dictionary.txt so they will not trigger an alert next time.

Hints for adding a new word to the dictionary * If the word is normally in all lowercase, such as the noun `word` or the verb `does`, add it in its lower-case form; if the word is a proper noun, such as the surname `George`, add it in its initial-caps form; if the word is an acronym or has special letter case, such as the acronym `CDDA` or the unit `mW`, add it by preserving the case of all the letters. A word in the dictionary will also match its initial-caps form (if the word is in all lowercase) and all-uppercase form, so a word should be added to the dictionary in its normal letter case even if used in a different letter case in a sentence. * For a word to be added to the dictionary, it should either be a real, properly-spelled modern American English word, a foreign loan word (including romanized foreign names), or a foreign or made-up word that is used consistently and commonly enough in the game. Intentional misspelling (including eye dialect) of a word should not be added unless it has become a common terminology in the game, because while someone may have a legitimate use for it, another person may spell it that way accidentally.
anoobindisguise commented 1 week ago

"Unnecessary torchers" -> "torture"?

Venera3 commented 3 days ago

I'll look them over soonish. Tying them to the pop-up shouldn't be too hard, and the worst that can happen is it not working (since these probably spawn under other IDs than the other test logs).