CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Doggo JSON cleanup #74645

Closed BarndoBoi closed 5 days ago

BarndoBoi commented 1 week ago



Purpose of change

Definitions for each breed of dog contained many duplicated entries and none of the puppies were using copy-from despite having lots of overlapping information. This was causing issues with a feature I was toying with as each dog was overwriting their flags instead of using "extend" or "delete".

Describe the solution

Add copy-from fields to each puppy type and removed duplicate entries in each dog breed.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Modifying each dog breed with the desired flags, but no thank you. That sounds like pain.


Spawned several dogs and tested that they could still be tamed and butchered into the right harvests. I tried it with labrador mutt, german shepard, plus the beagle and everything seemed to work smoothly with no changes. After the changes to the "zombifies-into" field I tested killing a few of the puppy breeds and confirmed that they do not revive into zombie dogs as was intended. As per Karol's suggestion, this fixes #62019

Additional context

Karol1223 commented 1 week ago

Feel free to include 'Fixes #62019' in your PR description for a free serotonin boost