CleverTap / clevertap-flutter

CleverTap Flutter SDK
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Unable to get message payload for handling notification Redirects #80

Closed snghnishant closed 1 year ago

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

Hey, @darshanclevertap I have tried all the mentioned solutions in #46 to get the Notification Data for redirecting when the app is in the background or terminated state and this is still not working at all.

When the app is in Foreground I am able to get the message payload in FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {...} and handle redirections through our custom made alert box. But we also get the Notification rendered in the System Tray, and on clicking that notification the app opens but there's no method handler calls to void pushClickedPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> message) {...} which you said will give you the message payload. So basically there's no way by which we can get the message payload on the onClick event of the Notification being rendered in the system tray in any of the app states.

darshanclevertap commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Are you sending the push via FCM or via CleverTap dashboard?

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Are you sending the push via FCM or via CleverTap dashboard?

We have integrations for both FCM and CleverTap, we are using FCM for user-level notification that we push from our custom dashboard/backend. This notification was pushed from the CleverTap dashboard.

darshanclevertap commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Where have you set the setCleverTapPushClickedPayloadReceivedHandler on the Dart side to handle the pushClickedPayloadReceived callback?

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

in main.dart file

class _AppState extends State<App> {
  static FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics();
  static FirebaseAnalyticsObserver observer = FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(
      analytics: analytics); // instance used to track pages in the Material app

  // For Clevertap
  CleverTapPlugin _clevertapPlugin;
  // var inboxInitialized = false;

  void initState() {
    // Clevertap
        "Stratzy Notifications",
        "Marketing, Account related, and Investment Tips from Stratzy",
    CleverTapPlugin.registerForPush(); //only for iOS
    // CleverTapPlugin.initializeInbox();
    CleverTapPlugin.setOptOut(false); ///Will opt in the user to send data to CleverTap
    CleverTapPlugin.setOptOut(true); ///Will opt out the user to send data to CleverTap
    CleverTapPlugin.enableDeviceNetworkInfoReporting(false); // Will opt out the user to send Device Network data to CleverTap
    CleverTapPlugin.enableDeviceNetworkInfoReporting(true); // Will opt in the user to send Device Network data to CleverTap
    CleverTapPlugin.setOffline(false); // Will set the user online
    CleverTapPlugin.setOffline(true); // Will set the user offline

  // Clevertap methods
  // Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
  Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
    if (!mounted) return;

  void activateCleverTapFlutterPluginHandlers() {
    _clevertapPlugin = new CleverTapPlugin();
    // You can get the custom value after clicking the notification using the setCleverTapPushClickedPayloadReceivedHandler.
    // This will give you the entire Push Notification payload as sent from CleverTap in the form of a Map.
   // ... rest of the handlers
 // ... rest of the handlers definitions
  void pushAmplificationPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    print("-------pushAmplificationPayloadReceived called------");
    this.setState(() async {
      var data = jsonEncode(map);
      print("Push Amp Payload = " + data.toString());

  void pushClickedPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
    print("------ Notification CT-------");
    print("CT DATA: $message");
    // Handle redirections
    var screen = message['data']['screen'];
    switch (screen) {
      case "PortfolioScreen":
        // root level
        Provider.of<GlobalBottomBarNotifier>(context, listen: false)
      case "ClubScreen":
        // root level
        Provider.of<GlobalBottomBarNotifier>(context, listen: false)
      case "DiscoverScreen":
        // root level
        Provider.of<GlobalBottomBarNotifier>(context, listen: false)
      case "InsightsScreen":
        // root level
        Provider.of<GlobalBottomBarNotifier>(context, listen: false)
      case "ActiveTradesScreen":
      case "ExitInvestmentScreen":
              strategyRealName: message['data']['strategyRealName']),
      case "StrategyListScreen":
      case "IdeaListScreen":
      case "StrategyExploreScreen":
        var strategy = message['data']['strategyRealName'];
        var strategyData =<Strategy>('strategiesData')
            .get(strategy, defaultValue: null);
        if (strategyData != null)
              strategyRealName: strategy,
              minInvestment: strategyData.minInvestmentVal,
      case "IdeaExploreScreen":
        getIdeasAndSaveToHive().then((response) {
          if (response) {
                ideaName: message['data']['ideaName'],
          } else {

      /*case "IndividualPortfolioScreen":
          IndividualPortfolioScreen(strategy: strategy),
        debugPrint("No redirects present, Opening the App!");

This is how I am invoking the handler (the way it was mentioned in your example project)

snghnishant commented 2 years ago
// Initializing firebase background isolate
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
  // If you're going to use other Firebase services in the background, such as Firestore,
  // make sure you call `initializeApp` before using other Firebase services.
  // Used for CleverTap
  // This will be called to render the Notification in System tray when app is in background/terminated state
  await Firebase.initializeApp();
  print("Im in the background handler");
  await CleverTapPlugin();
  await CleverTapPlugin.createNotification(jsonEncode(;
  print("Tried calling createNotification");

void main() async {
  runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(() async {

    // Initialization
    await Firebase.initializeApp();
    await Hive.initFlutter();

    // register fcm handler to handle message on background/terminate state
    // called for both FCM and CleverTap Notifications

    // status bar color & brightness
        statusBarColor: Colors.transparent,
        statusBarBrightness: Brightness.light,
        statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,

    // device orientation
    await SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations(
        [DeviceOrientation.portraitUp, DeviceOrientation.portraitDown]);

  }, (error, stack) => FirebaseCrashlytics.instance.recordError(error, stack));
snghnishant commented 2 years ago

these are the detailed logs on initiating the push notification from the clever tap dashboard

D/FLTFireMsgReceiver(23283): broadcast received for message
I/flutter (23283): Message title: null, body: null, data: {wzrk_pn: true, wzrk_acct_id: 6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, wzrk_pivot: wzrk_default, wzrk_sound: true, screen: PortfolioScreen, nm: Redirect to Portfolio screen, wzrk_cid: , nt: Hello Nishant, wzrk_push_amp: false, wzrk_dt: FIREBASE, wzrk_ck: 1630914816_1637057457, strategyRealName: beta_basket, wzrk_ttl: 1637143857, wzrk_rnv: false, wzrk_bc: , wzrk_id: 0_0, pr: , wzrk_bi: 2}
V/CleverTap:[:PushProvider:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283):  [PushType:FCM] received notification from CleverTap: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637143857, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637057457, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CleverTapAPI#_createNotification starting on...pool-16-thread-1
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Handling notification: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637143857, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637057457, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Converting collapse_key: 1630914816_1637057457 to notificationId int: -642571383
E/ApplicationPackageManager(23283): checkSettingsForIconTray value : 0
V/CleverTap(23283): Service found
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Rendered notification: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=content://settings/system/notification_sound defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0)
V/CleverTap(23283): Storing Push Notification...null - with ttl - 1637143857
D/CleverTap(23283): Recording of Notification Viewed is disabled in the CleverTap Dashboard for notification payload: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637143857, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637057457, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CleverTapAPI#_createNotification executed successfully on...pool-16-thread-1

Detailed logs on Notification click

V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: queueEvent starting on...pool-16-thread-1
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Local cache doesn't need to be updated
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Queued event: {"evtName":"Notification Clicked","evtData":{"wzrk_acct_id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","wzrk_pivot":"wzrk_default","wzrk_sound":"true","wzrk_cid":"","wzrk_rnv":"false","wzrk_ttl":"1637143857","wzrk_push_amp":"false","wzrk_bc":"","wzrk_bi":"2","wzrk_ck":"1630914816_1637057457","wzrk_dt":"FIREBASE","wzrk_id":"0_0","wzrk_pn":"true"},"s":1637052744,"pg":1,"type":"event","ep":1637057619,"f":false,"lsl":3380,"wzrk_error":{"c":512,"d":"Recording of Notification Viewed is disabled in the CleverTap Dashboard for notification payload: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637139653, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637053253, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]"},"dsync":false}
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Queued event to DB table EVENTS: {"evtName":"Notification Clicked","evtData":{"wzrk_acct_id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","wzrk_pivot":"wzrk_default","wzrk_sound":"true","wzrk_cid":"","wzrk_rnv":"false","wzrk_ttl":"1637143857","wzrk_push_amp":"false","wzrk_bc":"","wzrk_bi":"2","wzrk_ck":"1630914816_1637057457","wzrk_dt":"FIREBASE","wzrk_id":"0_0","wzrk_pn":"true"},"s":1637052744,"pg":1,"type":"event","ep":1637057619,"f":false,"lsl":3380,"wzrk_error":{"c":512,"d":"Recording of Notification Viewed is disabled in the CleverTap Dashboard for notification payload: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637139653, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637053253, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]"},"dsync":false}
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Network retry #0
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Failure count is 0. Setting delay frequency to 1s
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Scheduling delayed queue flush on main event loop
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: queueEvent executed successfully on...pool-16-thread-1
D/CleverTap(23283): CTPushNotificationReceiver: handled notification: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637143857, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637057457, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]
D/ViewRootImpl@827ab46[MainActivity](23283): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
D/ViewRootImpl@827ab46[MainActivity](23283): mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 482222374400}
D/SensorManager(23283): unregisterListener ::   
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): App in background
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Updated session time: 1637057619
D/SensorManager(23283): registerListener :: 0, MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor, 66667, 0,  
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): App in foreground
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: InappController#showNotificationIfAvailable starting on...pool-23-thread-1
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): checking Pending Notifications
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: InappController#showNotificationIfAvailable executed successfully on...pool-23-thread-1
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CommsManager#flushQueueAsync starting on...pool-16-thread-1
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Pushing event onto queue flush sync
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Pushing Notification Viewed event onto queue DB flush
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Somebody has invoked me to send the queue to CleverTap servers
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Returning Queued events
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): getCachedGUIDs:[{"":"__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94"}]
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): getCachedIdentityKeysForAccount:Identity,Email
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): isLegacyProfileLoggedIn:false
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): getCachedIdentityKeysForAccount:Identity,Email
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): ConfigurableIdentityRepoPrefIdentitySet [Identity,Email]
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): ConfigurableIdentityRepoConfigIdentitySet []
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): ConfigurableIdentityRepoNo error found while comparing [Pref:Identity,Email], [Config:]
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): ConfigurableIdentityRepoIdentity Set activated from Pref[Identity,Email]
V/CleverTap:[:ON_USER_LOGIN:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283): Repo provider: ConfigurableIdentityRepo
V/CleverTap:[:PushProvider:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z](23283):  [PushType:FCM] getting Cached Token - dnin2nuySOyo3Vxob3zTIz:APA91bFgYnVaP6NwuBE9I8bdRVZ4J7HEWEqzYiDhIiooTLobVZWL0f95Wtc_wnbOlvo9i5NXlGvH9_-o8XcbWxjUm7rvOYpwSHBe1LCXnWdXzy-D5ZbsjbU-qK6LTEXDhlVmXTtxep7J
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): New ARP Key = ARP:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z:__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Fetched ARP for namespace key: ARP:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z:__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94 values: {hgt=4, j_n=Zg==, i_n=Zg==, d_ts=1636991734, j_s={ }, av=2.0.0, sv=40200, v=1, k_n=[ ""], id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, dh=907109299, r_ts=1637053492, e_ts=0, wdt=2}
V/CleverTap(23283): Attaching InAppFC to Header
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Send queue contains 1 items: [{"g":"__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94","type":"meta","af":{"Build":"27","Version":"2.0.0","OS Version":"7.0","SDK Version":40200,"Make":"samsung","Model":"SM-G920I","Carrier":"JIO 4G | Jio 4G","useIP":true,"OS":"Android","wdt":2.48,"hgt":4.41,"dpi":640,"dt":1,"lib":"Flutter","cc":"in","wifi":true,"BluetoothVersion":"ble","Radio":"4G"},"id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","tk":"c14-b16","l_ts":1637053492,"f_ts":1636991736,"ct_pi":"Identity,Email","ddnd":false,"rtl":[],"rct":0,"ait":0,"frs":false,"arp":{"hgt":4,"j_n":"Zg==","i_n":"Zg==","d_ts":1636991734,"j_s":"{ }","av":"2.0.0","sv":40200,"v":1,"k_n":"[ \"\"]","id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","dh":907109299,"r_ts":1637053492,"e_ts":0,"wdt":2},"wzrk_ref":{"wzrk_acct_id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","wzrk_pivot":"wzrk_default","wzrk_sound":"true","wzrk_cid":"","wzrk_rnv":"false","wzrk_ttl":"1637139653","wzrk_push_amp":"false","wzrk_bc":"","wzrk_bi":"2","wzrk_ck":"1630914816_1637053253","wzrk_dt":"FIREBASE","wzrk_id":"0_0","wzrk_pn":"true"},"imp":0,"tlc":[]}, {"evtName":"Notification Clicked","evtData":{"wzrk_acct_id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","wzrk_pivot":"wzrk_default","wzrk_sound":"true","wzrk_cid":"","wzrk_rnv":"false","wzrk_ttl":"1637143857","wzrk_push_amp":"false","wzrk_bc":"","wzrk_bi":"2","wzrk_ck":"1630914816_1637057457","wzrk_dt":"FIREBASE","wzrk_id":"0_0","wzrk_pn":"true"},"s":1637052744,"pg":1,"type":"event","ep":1637057619,"f":false,"lsl":3380,"wzrk_error":{"c":512,"d":"Recording of Notification Viewed is disabled in the CleverTap Dashboard for notification payload: Bundle[{wzrk_acct_id=6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z, screen=PortfolioScreen, nm=Redirect to Portfolio screen, nt=Hello Nishant, pr=, wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_sound=true, wzrk_cid=, wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_ttl=1637139653, wzrk_push_amp=false, strategyRealName=beta_basket, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2, wzrk_ck=1630914816_1637053253, wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=0_0, wzrk_pn=true}]"},"dsync":false}]
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Sending queue to:
I/System.out(23283): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
I/System.out(23283): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
V/CleverTap(23283): Getting domain from header - null
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Trying to process response: { "arp" : { "k_n" : "[ \"\"]" , "j_n" : "Zg==" , "i_n" : "Zg==" , "d_ts" : 1636991734 , "dh" : 907109299 , "v" : 1 , "j_s" : "{ }" , "id" : "6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z" , "e_ts" : 0 , "r_ts" : 1637057620 , "wdt" : 2.48 , "hgt" : 4.41 , "av" : "2.0.0" , "sv" : 40200} , "imc" : 1 , "imp" : 10 , "pushamp_notifs" : { "list" : [ ] , "ack" : true , "pf" : 240}}
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): InApp: Processing response
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): InApp: Response JSON object doesn't contain the inapp key, failing
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): ARP doesn't contain the Discarded Events key
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): New ARP Key = ARP:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z:__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Stored ARP for namespace key: ARP:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z:__g07a96b5e899a45eb80c980dba949fc94 values: {"k_n":"[ \"\"]","j_n":"Zg==","i_n":"Zg==","d_ts":1636991734,"dh":907109299,"v":1,"j_s":"{ }","id":"6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z","e_ts":0,"r_ts":1637057620,"wdt":2.48,"hgt":4.41,"av":"2.0.0","sv":40200}
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Inbox: Processing response
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Inbox: Response JSON object doesn't contain the inbox key
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Processing pushamp messages...
V/CleverTap(23283): Ping frequency received - 240
V/CleverTap(23283): Stored Ping Frequency - 240
V/CleverTap(23283): Received ACK -true
V/CleverTap(23283): Updating RTL values...
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Processing Display Unit items...
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): DisplayUnit : JSON object doesn't contain the Display Units key
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Processing Feature Flags response...
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Feature Flag : JSON object doesn't contain the Feature Flags key
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Processing Product Config response...
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Product Config : JSON object doesn't contain the Product Config key
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Processing GeoFences response...
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Geofences : JSON object doesn't contain the Geofences key
I/CleverTapResponse(23283): Done processing response!
D/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Queue sent successfully
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Returning Queued events
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): No events in the queue, failing
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CommsManager#flushQueueAsync executed successfully on...pool-16-thread-1
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CommsManager#flushQueueAsync starting on...pool-16-thread-1
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Pushing Notification Viewed event onto queue flush sync
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Pushing Notification Viewed event onto queue DB flush
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Somebody has invoked me to send the queue to CleverTap servers
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): Returning Queued Notification Viewed events
V/CleverTap:6Z8-4Z9-WK6Z(23283): No events in the queue, failing
V/CleverTap(23283): PostAsyncSafely Task: CommsManager#flushQueueAsync executed successfully on...pool-16-thread-1
darshanclevertap commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Are you calling createNotification only in the _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler ?

I'm assuming your issue here is that the notification is getting rendered but with the click of the notification you are not getting the pushClickedPayloadReceived callback.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Are you calling createNotification only in the _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler ?

I'm assuming your issue here is that the notification is getting rendered but with the click of the notification you are not getting the pushClickedPayloadReceived callback.

Yup, but also in the handler registered for push amplification

 void pushAmplificationPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    print("-------pushAmplificationPayloadReceived called------");
    this.setState(() async {
      var data = jsonEncode(map);
      print("Push Amp Payload = " + data.toString());

The notification is rendering but when clicked nothing happens at all, i.e the call to void pushClickedPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> message) method doesn't get invoked. I have tried this in all 3 app state(terminated, background and foreground)

darshanclevertap commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Got it! I would suggest you try calling activateCleverTapFlutterPluginHandlers inside the _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler as well.

I think the callback listener is not getting set when the notification arrives on the device and hence you are not receiving the pushClickedPayloadReceived callback on the click.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant Got it! I would suggest you try calling activateCleverTapFlutterPluginHandlers inside the _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler as well.

I think the callback listener is not getting set when the notification arrives on the device and hence you are not receiving the pushClickedPayloadReceived callback on the click.

_firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler is globally declared and the activateCleverTapFlutterPluginHandlers is defined as the class method so it can't be called inside _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@darshanclevertap can you please give a solution for this. We are using Clevertap in our mobile app in production and are unable to do any marketing campaigns which requires us to send user level notifications with redirections.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@darshanclevertap I have figured out a workaround for this which works for notification redirection. Instead of passing parameters as key-value pairs in notification data to get to a specific screen inside the app, we can use deep links with query parameters and use the firebase dynamic links package to handle the user notification click redirection.

But this doesn't solve the actual issue. A solution will be really appreciated.

tyfoo1603 commented 2 years ago

Any update on this post? Our team also facing the same issue. Able to receive payload on FirebaseMessaging, but not on pushClickedPayloadReceived callback. Appreciate if anyone on CleverTap Team can follow up on this.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

Any update on this post? Our team also facing the same issue. Able to receive payload on FirebaseMessaging, but not on pushClickedPayloadReceived callback. Appreciate if anyone on CleverTap Team can follow up on this.

Hey as of now there's no way to get the notification data and their tech team is working on that to get this resolved. If you want to try out my workaround to handle redirections through deeplinks then do let me know I'll share the code and steps in a gist.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

On tap of system tray notification from Clevertap still not able to get the payload in any 3 states of the app tested on clevertap_plugin: ^1.5.0 but I have found another yet better workaround for handling redirects by using the firebase dynamic link plugin to capture the dynamic link sent in push notification from Clevertap in all 3 app states and then further extracting the deep link in the function callbacks to pass on to the redirect logic. Since the firebase dynamic link plugin doesn't seem to work on iOS so this workaround is only for Android.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

@darshanclevertap would like to know the updates on this, please!

san-sitesurface commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant I was also facing the same issue . I removed all firebase handlers and it started working.

snghnishant commented 2 years ago

Any update on this @darshanclevertap the issue has been pending from a very long time now.

maxim-ivanchuk-idf commented 2 years ago

@snghnishant same problem

maxim-ivanchuk-idf commented 2 years ago

@darshanclevertap any news?

ducpn2111 commented 1 year ago

@snghnishant Did Firebase Dynamic Links work when app is terminated

Renatinaveen commented 1 year ago

@william-ct @darshanclevertap We are facing the same issue we started integrating clevertap in mid-January and we are still in the integration phase. Have a look at these ticket id's #122515 #119425

mohanedy commented 1 year ago

@darshanclevertap I am still facing this issue on android using clevertap_plugin: ^1.6.1 . Is there any progress on resolving it or any workaround that I can try?

shivamsharma2710 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Mohanedy98. Could you please provide more details about the issue you are facing?

mohanedy commented 1 year ago

Hello @shivamsharma2710 , I have followed the documentation to set up push notifications and registered the setCleverTapPushClickedPayloadReceivedHandler callback to handle notification clicks. However, this callback is not invoked when the notification is clicked even though I have used CleverTapPlugin.createNotification in the FirebaseMessaging.onMessage listener.

Relevant code snippets:


  void pushClickedPayloadReceived(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    Logger.debugLog('CleverTap push clicked payload received = $map');
    FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) async {
      await localNotificationsDataSource.incrementUnreadNotifications();
      if (onMessageReceived != null) {
      if (Platform.isAndroid) {
        if ('wzrk_acct_id')) {
          /// CleverTap notification
          final dataPayload = jsonEncode(;
        } else {
          /// Normal notification
          onMessageReceivedHandler(message, onMessageClicked: onMessageClicked);
RamiroGarrido commented 1 year ago

Hello y'all

I'm facing the exact same issue on my flutter project (the push notification is rendered, but click events don't work...the callbacks registered are never triggered). Any solutions for this?...this bug is now 2 years old...

shivamsharma2710 commented 1 year ago

@RamiroGarrido This issue has been fixed in version 1.8.0. Please refer to the ChangeLog and developer documentation for more information on this.