CliMA / CalibrateEmulateSample.jl

Stochastic Optimization, Learning, Uncertainty and Sampling
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Minor suggestions of improvement to JOSS paper #293

Closed matt-graham closed 6 months ago

matt-graham commented 6 months ago

Raising issue as part of openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/6372

Some minor comments / suggestions for improvement of JOSS paper

A julia-language

to constrain the free parameter distribution

constrained joint parameter distribution

statistical machine-learning emulators

when compared with traditional algorithms to draw samples from the joint parameter distribution

variants of Random Walk Metropolis [@Sherlock:2010]

Unfortunately this task is intensely computationally expensive, commonly requiring over $10^5$ evaluations of the expensive computer code

that classically this has been unavailable

Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo -


State of the field

nluetts commented 6 months ago

Here is some fruther feedback from my side, also in the context of the JOSS review

p. 1 L 20 "To accelerate and smooth this process" (and L36 "smoothed accelerated sampling problem")

p. 1 L 36 (listing the sampling methods)

p. 2 L53 "order of 10^2 evaluations of the code"

p. 2 L61 "ensemble Methods"

p. 2 L68 "the goal ABC is"

p. 2 L65 and L72 "GpABC" vs "gpABC"

p. 2 L72 "ABC can be used in more general contexts than CES, but suffers greater approximation error and more stringent assumptions, especially in multi-dimensional problems."

Figure 1

Figure 4, caption: "... trained on the re-used calibration pairs"

p. 5 L104 "histogram of the samples from (...?) is displayed in Figure 5."

odunbar commented 6 months ago

Hi both - thanks for these comments. I shall create a PR shortly for to begin addressing them in the markdown. I have added check-boxes to the comments to aid in tracking them.

odunbar commented 6 months ago

@nluetts as a couple of responses to your questions.

odunbar commented 6 months ago

I believe we have addressed everything, Please close the issue if you are satisfied.

nluetts commented 6 months ago

@odunbar thanks for clarifying, and thanks for the pointer to "Barker proposal", which I did not know about so far.

In this new sentence:

Two such examples, written in python, approximate the log-posterior distribution ...

you could capitalize Python.

@matt-graham the issue can be closed from my side :+1:

matt-graham commented 6 months ago

Thanks @odunbar - this looks all good to me too.