CliMA / ClimaAtmos.jl

ClimaAtmos.jl is a library for building atmospheric circulation models that is designed from the outset to leverage data assimilation and machine learning tools. We welcome contributions!
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Expose `SurfaceFluxes.surface_conditions` #2693

Open LenkaNovak opened 6 months ago

LenkaNovak commented 6 months ago

It would be useful to access SurfaceFluxes.surface_conditions in the cache, which would then allow extrapolation of the u profile to the surface (e.g. for surface albedo) and to separate energy fluxes (i.e., LHF, and SHF).

akshaysridhar commented 5 months ago

Does this also help us clean up this block in the surface_conditions file ? (As of commit #99d2578 in main)

 68 # This is a hack for meeting the August 7th deadline. It is to ensure that the
 69 # coupler will be able to construct an integrator before overwriting its surface
 70 # conditions, but without throwing an error during the computation of
 71 # precomputed quantities for diagnostic EDMF due to uninitialized surface
 72 # conditions.
 73 # TODO: Refactor the surface conditions API to avoid needing to do this.
 74 function set_dummy_surface_conditions!(p)
 75     (; params, atmos) = p
 76     (; sfc_conditions) = p.precomputed
 77     FT = eltype(params)
 78     thermo_params = CAP.thermodynamics_params(params)
 79     @. sfc_conditions.ustar = FT(0.2)
 80     @. sfc_conditions.obukhov_length = FT(1e-4)
 81     @. sfc_conditions.buoyancy_flux = FT(0)
 82     if atmos.moisture_model isa DryModel
 83     |   @. sfc_conditions.ts = TD.PhaseDry_ρT(thermo_params, FT(1), FT(300))
 84     else
 85     |   @. sfc_conditions.ts = TD.PhaseNonEquil_ρTq(
 86     |   |   thermo_params,
 87     |   |   FT(1),
 88     |   |   FT(300),
 89     |   |   TD.PhasePartition(FT(0)),
 90     |   )
 91     |   @. sfc_conditions.ρ_flux_q_tot = C3(FT(0))
 92     end
 93     @. sfc_conditions.ρ_flux_h_tot = C3(FT(0))
 94 end
LenkaNovak commented 5 months ago

This issue is more about how lhf and shf are stored in atmos cache.

It would be nice to replace set_dummy_surface_conditions with a set! function that allows the user set up initial conditions (including the other variables) externally, as @glwagner suggested. Technically we don't need most of this as the turbulent fluxes are calculated and set in the coupler, but the initial sfc_conditions.ts might be needed by other parameterizations (e.g. radiation and EDMF). That said, radiation is a callback, and it shouldn't be run until the model is stepped, by which point we've already updated the sfc_conditions.ts based on our actual surfaces. With EDMF, I'm not 100% sure, since we're calculating some of the auxiliary variables in precomputed_quantities.

@dennisYatunin do you know if we need set_dummy_surface_conditions to get_simulation when precomputing_arguments.sfc_setup = nothing?

glwagner commented 4 months ago

On set! --- it could make sense to add this feature to ClimaCore fields first, and then build it up to also apply to consistent atmos states, etc.