CliMA / ClimaAtmos.jl

ClimaAtmos.jl is a library for building atmospheric circulation models that is designed from the outset to leverage data assimilation and machine learning tools. We welcome contributions!
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runtests.jl on GPU / MPI #3044

Open akshaysridhar opened 1 month ago

akshaysridhar commented 1 month ago

Would it be useful to add support for MPI and GPU with our runtests.jl? Currently some tests are defined in runtests or on buildkite depending on specific configurations - it may be useful to launch them from one access point if possible. cc @sriharshakandala

Sbozzolo commented 1 month ago

Tests in test should work when run on GPU and MPI as well. If some tests are instrically not compatible with GPU/MPI (e.g., tempest remap), they should be skipped (internally).

Unifying tests and buildkite is not really possible because buildkite tests are too expensive. Ideally, success in runtest.jl should strongly correlate with success in buildkite tests. This is currently not the case because our testsuite in test is very limited.