CliMA / ClimaCoupler.jl

ClimaCoupler: bringing atmosphere, land, and ocean together
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Phase 2: Stabilizing long runs #485

Closed LenkaNovak closed 7 months ago

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

Current problems

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ClimaAtmos specs / debug

ClimaCoupler specs / debug

Arising issues to fix

akshaysridhar commented 10 months ago

Build 312: Standalone atmos run (clearsky, monin-obukhov surface scheme, time varying insolation) Averaged over days (100-300) at 10-day output frequency.

akshaysridhar commented 10 months ago

Build 312: Coupled atmos run (clearsky, monin-obukhov surface scheme, time varying insolation) Averaged over days (100-200) at 5-day output frequency.

szy21 commented 10 months ago

What is the difference in the standalone and coupled atmosphere run, and what is the albedo in these simulations?

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago


What is the difference in the standalone and coupled atmosphere run, and what is the albedo in these simulations?

standalone = ClimaAtmos does the stepping and flux calculation (no coupler) coupler = full AMIP (except topography and EDMF)

Albedo for standalone is 0.38 I believe, and AMIP reads this from a file. We get similar results for idealized albedo as a function of latitude.

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

Standalone only

Here are results from the build with exponential decrease of CE from the sfc: build #1231) (similar results for runs where C_E is constant to 950hPa, then exponentially decreasing) NB: C_E = CE_0 * exp(-((1e5 - p)/1e4)^2)

day 100 zonal-mean snapshot (similar for day 180):

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@akshaysridhar , would it be possible to output the above diagnostics for these please?

Next suggested steps:

akshaysridhar commented 10 months ago

@LenkaNovak See for the updates w.r.t Frierson et al. (2006) Ri dependent boundary layer parameterization.I'm having some local test run issues but I expect to be able to resolve these soon.

szy21 commented 10 months ago

This very old branch has an implementation of Betts-Miller that is ~85% done, in case you need it.

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

Perfect, thank you!

akshaysridhar commented 10 months ago

Standalone only

Here are results from the build with exponential decrease of CE from the sfc: build #1231) (similar results for runs where C_E is constant to 950hPa, then exponentially decreasing) NB: C_E = CE_0 * exp(-((1e5 - p)/1e4)^2)

day 100 zonal-mean snapshot (similar for day 180): Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 4 44 06 PM Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 5 35 27 PM


* `/central/scratch/esm/slurm-buildkite/climaatmos-longruns/1231/climaatmos-longruns/tvinsolation_diff1/day100.0.hdf5`

* `/central/scratch/esm/slurm-buildkite/climaatmos-longruns/1231/climaatmos-longruns/tvinsolation_diff4/day100.0.hdf5`

@akshaysridhar , would it be possible to output the above diagnostics for these please?

Next suggested steps:

* try coupled runs with higher diffusivity (+ more granular analysis of sfc flux balance, why is the lw_up radiative flux so strong over the dynamic surface?) NB: diff of ~5m2/s is comparable to the axisymmetric experiments in [Walker and Schneider 05](

* implement the FMS diffusivity that's dependent on Ri (less diffusion at poles, more diffusion at low latitudes) - as in [Frierson et al 06](

* if still needed, try BM relaxation scheme

Diff 1 (C_E=1) Directory (Build 1231) (Day 180 avg)


Diff 4 (C_E=4) Directory (Build 1231) (Day 180 avg)


Diff 4 (C_E=4) Directory (Build 1231) (Day 200-280 avg)

szy21 commented 10 months ago

This recent paper uses an idealized model with RRTMG, no convection scheme, Frierson vertical diffusion, and slab ocean. It would be a good reference for us to compare. There are differences in details about insolation and greenhouse gases between our setup and theirs. Not sure if they are important, but even if they are, it should be straightforward to modify our setup. I'll check if I can get the data from the model.

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

Constant diffusivity coupled runs (180d, start date 1 March):

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Next (+ summary of the above)

LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

AMIP with increased (u-dependent) diffusivity

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LenkaNovak commented 10 months ago

Slab ocean with increased (u-dependent) diffusivity

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Current status
