CliMA / ClimateMachine.jl

Climate Machine: an Earth System Model that automatically learns from data
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Solution to composability of source terms #395

Open charleskawczynski opened 4 years ago

charleskawczynski commented 4 years ago

We need a solution to adding different combinations of source terms. How about we use something like this:

abstract type Case end
struct Dycoms <: Case end
struct HeldsSuarez <: Case end

abstract type Source end
struct DycomsSrc1 <: Source end
struct DycomsSrc2 <: Source end
struct DycomsSrc3 <: Source end

struct HeldsSuarezSrc1 <: Source end
struct HeldsSuarezSrc2 <: Source end
struct HeldsSuarezSrc3 <: Source end

abstract type SourceSet{case <: Case} end

SourceSet(::Dycoms) = (DycomsSrc1(), DycomsSrc2(), DycomsSrc3())
SourceSet(::HeldsSuarez) = (HeldsSuarezSrc1(), HeldsSuarezSrc2(), HeldsSuarezSrc3())

function source!(source::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real, ::DycomsSrc1)
  source.ρ+= ...
function source!(source::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real, ::DycomsSrc2)
  source.ρ+= ...
source!(source::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real, ::HeldsSuarezSrc1) = ...
source!(source::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real, ::HeldsSuarezSrc2) = ...

# In AtmosModel.jl
function source!(m::AtmosModel, source::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real)
  for src in m.source
    source!(source, state, aux, t, src)

# In driver
model = AtmosModel(FlatOrientation(),

This way, we can specify custom and standard lists of source terms. Plus, we can reuse Dycoms() for boundary conditions, or any other necessary parameters.

charleskawczynski commented 4 years ago

One issue with this approach is that there will exist potentially many source! functions, and perhaps dispatch will be slow.

vchuravy commented 4 years ago

Dynamic dispatch won't be that slow, given that each source term is "costly". Running this on the GPU is trickier since we need to precompute the dispatch there.

charleskawczynski commented 4 years ago

@vchuravy what makes precomputing dispatch here tricky?

glwagner commented 4 years ago

Can you tuple the source terms and then unroll on the GPU?

charleskawczynski commented 4 years ago

I think it's doable, yes.

simonbyrne commented 4 years ago

Can you tuple the source terms and then unroll on the GPU?

This is what I did in #407: I've tried using ntuple, we can see how that pans out.

glwagner commented 4 years ago

@simonbyrne @charleskawczynski awesome! I'm curious how it turns out. If unrolling via ntuple works inside GPU kernels that will probably be quite useful for Oceananigans as well.

vchuravy commented 4 years ago

@vchuravy what makes precomputing dispatch here tricky?

Think about these two cases here:

First Case:

sources = Source[HeldsSuarezSrc1(), DycomsSrc1()]
for src in sources

Second Case:

sources = (HeldsSuarezSrc1(), DycomsSrc1())
for src in sources

In the first case you have an array of type Vector{Source} e.g. the super-type of both source terms. The call to f therefore will always be a dynamic (virtual in C++) function call. In the second case we use a Tuple instead of an Array so now we have Tuple{HeldsSuarezSrc1, DycomsSrc1} so we know the specific types, but in the first iteration src will be of type HeldsSuarezSrc1 and in the second DyComsSrc1 so in a fixed-point approximation src has the type Union{HeldsSuarezSrc1, DycomsSrc1} (Union is a either). For small unions Julia will do union-splitting and turn your code into:

for src in sources
    if src isa HeldsSuarezSrc1
    elseif src isa DycomsSrc1

Which de-virtualizes each call to f with the precise type turning dynamic dispatch into static. Still this relies on only using small unions (up to 4 or 5 I think).

Lastly you may use ntuple:

ntuple(length(sources)) do i

Which turns into:


and since you no longer have a for-loop with a variable each invocation of f is now type-stable since each type of each tuple element is know.

I hope this helps :)

charleskawczynski commented 3 years ago

I think this issue, or at least the design of delivering this requirement, is basically closed by #1634 (and subsequent PRs) for the atmosphere. Should we leave it open for other model components?