CliMA / Land

Everything within the Land model (Soil Plant Atmosphere Module, Land Hydrology, etc)
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CliMA Land Global Simulation Versions #55

Open Yujie-W opened 1 year ago

Yujie-W commented 1 year ago
Each global simulation will be labeled with a unique tag using the format aN_gmX_wdY or bN_gmX_wdY Label Description
a CliMA Land v0.1
b CliMA Land v0.2
N Simulation number in each version
gm GriddingMachine.jl
X GriddingMachine.jl dataset combination version
wd Weather driver
Y Weather driver version
Yujie-W commented 1 year ago

CliMA Land v0.1 does not use the released version of the submdules. The submodules can be imported by running using Land.SubModule.

Simulation History

History Tag Linear Change History Stable release
A1 Version used for initial run -
A2 Use minimum beta instead of mean beta -
Use moving average optimal T from CLM5 -
A3 Add vertical Vcmax profile -
A4 Extend PAR definition to 400-750 nm (option) -
A5 Fix SIF yield scaling bug -
Add ePAR scenario -
Add prescibed CI option -
A6 Fix a bug in Medlyn model (coeff 1.6) -
A7 Add quadratic colimitation to C3 J (0.7) 0.1.0
Yujie-W commented 1 year ago

GriddingMachine.jl selections


Variable GriddingMachine Tag
s_cc SC_2X_1Y_V1
s_α SOIL_VGA_12X_1Y_V1
s_n SOIL_VGN_12X_1Y_V1
s_Θr SOIL_SWCR_12X_1Y_V1
s_Θs SOIL_SWCS_12X_1Y_V1
p_ch CH_20X_1Y_V1
p_chl CHL_2X_7D_V1
p_ci CI_2X_1Y_V1
p_sla SLA_2X_1Y_V1
p_vcm VCMAX_2X_1Y_V2
t_ele ELEV_4X_1Y_V1
t_lm LM_4X_1Y_V1
t_pft PFT_2X_1Y_V1
Yujie-W commented 1 year ago
Weather drivers Version Tag Description
WD1 ERA5 Single Levels