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Adding Immersed Boundary Capabilities #1036

Closed whitleyv closed 1 year ago

whitleyv commented 3 years ago

@christophernhill @glwagner @weymouth I have been looking into what is the best way to implement an immersed boundary method here, and I hope to be able to model complex topography and possibly moving boundaries with it, for at least Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, within the next year.

The immersed boundary method (IBM) is a way to deal with complex topography without a complicated mesh or coordinate transformations. Instead of conforming the mesh to the fluid domain, a cartesian grid is generated over the whole area. Then, an added forcing term incorporates the boundary conditions into the equations. Mittal and Iaccarino (2003), outline several ways we could do this, which all fall into two large categories:

  1. Continuous Forcing: We add a forcing term to the continuous equations, discretize the new system, and solve as normal. If the IB is set to coincide with the mesh nodes, then you get a “stairstep” like boundary, whereas if the IB intersects the mesh arbitrarily, you must distribute the forcing to several nearby nodes. Either way, it may not give you a sharp enough boundary, and you get stability constraints on rigid boundaries.

  2. Discrete Forcing: We discretize, then determine what the forcing needs to be at each time step to satisfy the boundary conditions. This method usually takes a predictor-corrector type approach as described by Balaras (2004). You would use a predictor step to interpolate the correct values at the boundary with nearby nodes. Then, you can solve for the necessary forcing in the discretized time stepper. Finally, you recompute the true solution for the next time step, with the correct forcing term. This method does not have the stability constraints and can create a sharper boundary, but implementation will involve more changes to create this routine.

I'm leaning towards the discrete forcing, since it seems like continuous just won't work well for rigid boundaries. I haven't fully worked out how the predictor-corrector idea will work with the pressure solver, etc.

WRF uses Discrete forcing in their LES IBM code, while PALM uses a masking method that involves stair step representation for complex topography.

glwagner commented 3 years ago

One extra consideration is that we also allow users to specify diffusive fluxes across boundaries. This is especially important for geophysical problems at LES scales and larger, where its appropriate to employ a "wall model" to predict momentum and tracer fluxes at boundaries where there's an unresolved or partially-resolved turbulent boundary layer (rather than prescribing a particular value or gradient). That said, I think if we are able to specify the gradients of a field across a boundary it will likely be straightforward to extend that implementation to specifying fluxes.

The paper

"Moving from momentum transfer to heat transfer – A comparative study of an advanced Graetz-Nusselt problem using immersed boundary methods" by Lu et al. (2019)

may also be relevant. Their conclusion is a bit confusing. They state

In all simulations, excellent agreement are reached between CFM and DFM results, with the deviation being below 10%.

which suggests that accuracy may not be an important factor in deciding which method to use. But the next sentence is

Considering the nature of capturing the discontinuity at the fluid-solid interface, DFM might offer a more accurate result, which however requires more follow-up simulations to give a solid investigation.

which is difficult to interpret. I suppose all they can say is that their results are similar to one another, but they cannot say which one is more accurate (and perhaps it doesn't matter which method is more accurate in their case, if both methods return similar results).

That said, I think time-step considerations are really important, and seem like a good reason to choose DFM over CFM.

Balaras (2004)'s pressure equation is


where, crucially, Ω is the computational domain (irrespective of the immersed boundary). So following Balaras (2004) would mean not modifying the pressure solver? That's good news!

Does it make sense to first implement an algorithm that assumes the boundary coincides with the grid?

I am not super worried about the algorithmic changes require to implement a DFM immersed boundary. I think we can isolate the immersed boundary implementation from the rest of the code and interface with the time-stepping routines with a single function call that calculates the discrete forcing and applies a correction to the velocity field. Using multiple dispatch, this change to the algorithm will have no cost to simulations that don't use immersed boundaries. The main challenge I think is figuring out abstractions that make it easy to create immersed boundaries and assign boundary conditions (@ali-ramadhan and my job to figure this out) --- and we'd have this challenge for any immersed boundary implementation, whether CFM or DFM.

johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

Greg, Doesn't Ali have a version of immersed boundary layers going?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2020, 7:50 PM Gregory L. Wagner wrote:

One extra consideration is that we also allow users to specify diffusive fluxes across boundaries. This is especially important for geophysical problems at LES scales and larger, where its appropriate to employ a "wall model" to predict momentum and tracer fluxes at boundaries where there's an unresolved or partially-resolved turbulent boundary layer (rather than prescribing a particular value or gradient). That said, I think if we are able to specify the gradients of a field across a boundary it will likely be straightforward to extend that implementation to specifying fluxes.

The paper

"Moving from momentum transfer to heat transfer – A comparative study of an advanced Graetz-Nusselt problem using immersed boundary methods" by Lu et al. (2019)

may also be relevant. Their conclusion is a bit confusing. They state

In all simulations, excellent agreement are reached between CFM and DFM results, with the deviation being below 10%.

which suggests that accuracy may not be an important factor in deciding which method to use. But the next sentence is

Considering the nature of capturing the discontinuity at the fluid-solid interface, DFM might offer a more accurate result, which however requires more follow-up simulations to give a solid investigation.

which is difficult to interpret. I suppose all they can say is that their results are similar to one another, but they cannot say which one is more accurate (and perhaps it doesn't matter which method is more accurate in their case, if both methods return similar results).

That said, I think time-step considerations are really important, and seem like a good reason to choose DFM over CFM.

Balaras (2004)'s pressure equation is

[image: image]

where, crucially, Ω is the computational domain (irrespective of the immersed boundary). So following Balaras (2004) would mean not modifying the pressure solver? That's good news!

Does it make sense to first implement an algorithm that assumes the boundary coincides with the grid?

I am not super worried about the algorithmic changes require to implement a DFM immersed boundary. I think we can isolate the immersed boundary implementation from the rest of the code and interface with the time-stepping routines with a single function call that calculates the discrete forcing and applies a correction to the velocity field. Using multiple dispatch, this change to the algorithm will have no cost to simulations that don't use immersed boundaries. The main challenge I think is figuring out abstractions that make it easy to create immersed boundaries and assign boundary conditions (@ali-ramadhan and my job to figure this out) --- and we'd have this challenge for any immersed boundary implementation, whether CFM or DFM.

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glwagner commented 3 years ago

Greg, Doesn't Ali have a version of immersed boundary layers going?

@johncmarshall54, Ali experimented with a simple immersed boundary implemented via Oceananigans's user-defined forcing functions. The code is these 9 lines:

This implementation damps the velocity field to zero on a very fast time-scale (specified by the parameter K) within the immersed boundary. This is certainly a nice, simple immersed boundary implementation for Dirichlet / Value boundary conditions and could be a good starting point. However, I also think there's some good reasons to pursue an alternate immersed boundary implementation to what @ali-ramadhan has done:

  1. @ali-ramadhan's implementation doesn't obviously extend to other boundary conditions, like prescribed gradients or fluxes (the latter being crucial for the geophysical problems we're interested in). So, even if we use a continuous forcing method similar to @ali-ramadhan's implementation, we need to figure out how to enforce boundary conditions other than Dirichlet boundary conditions.
  2. @ali-ramadhan's implementation conforms exactly to the grid; however we would like to be able to model smoothly-varying boundaries.
  3. As noted by @whitleyv, @ali-ramadhan's "continuous forcing method" implementation introduces a time-step restriction due to the need to explicitly resolve the damping time-scale in the forcing function. It seems that a discrete forcing method overcomes this restriction and could prove crucial for geophysical problems that involve otherwise long time-steps.
johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

thanks for the explanation.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 8:25 PM Gregory L. Wagner wrote:

Greg, Doesn't Ali have a version of immersed boundary layers going?

@johncmarshall54, Ali experimented with a simple immersed boundary implemented via Oceananigans's user-defined forcing functions. The code is these 9 lines:

This implementation damps the velocity field to zero on a very fast time-scale (specified by the parameter K) within the immersed boundary. This is certainly a nice, simple immersed boundary implementation for Dirichlet / Value boundary conditions and could a good starting point. However, I also think there's some good reasons to pursue an alternate immersed boundary implementation to what @ali-ramadhan has done for the following reasons:

  1. @ali-ramadhan's implementation doesn't obviously extend to other boundary conditions, like prescribed gradients or fluxes (the latter being crucial for the geophysical problems we're interested in). So, even if we use a continuous forcing method similar to @ali-ramadhan's implementation, we need to figure out how to enforce boundary conditions other than Dirichlet boundary conditions.
  2. @ali-ramadhan's implementation conforms exactly to the grid; however we would like to be able to model smoothly-varying boundaries.
  3. As noted by @whitleyv, @ali-ramadhan's "continuous forcing method" implementation introduces a time-step restriction due to the need to explicitly resolve the damping time-scale in the forcing function. It seems that a discrete forcing method overcomes this restriction and could prove crucial for geophysical problems that involve otherwise long time-steps.

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John Marshall Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT

weymouth commented 3 years ago

Sounds great! I've had a discussion with Greg about this before, and which method you need to implement really depends on the application.

I've attach a write-up one of my students is working on which lays this out with a few simple examples. Section 3 reviews Immersed Boundary methods and 3.1 has a simple 1D FSI example.

Mr M Lauber_070e4204-4db5-451e-8b61-494f2ae9eaa2_Progression_Report__9_month_pdf_7177_0.pdf

glwagner commented 3 years ago

Fun pair programming sesh with @ali-ramadhan @whitleyv lead to this!


Implementation is here:

and the script that produced the above animation:

We just did something very simple as a starting point --- hopefully more to come.

@weymouth thanks for your insights --- could make sense to schedule a meeting sometime soon to discuss next steps.

weymouth commented 3 years ago

Awesome! I'm happy to sit down and chat. I've had two meetings today with MIT groups (ocean engineering and self-assembly lab), so maybe next week... ;-)

Gabriel D Weymouth

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." Pablo Picasso

On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 3:52 PM Gregory L. Wagner wrote:

Fun pair programming sesh with @ali-ramadhan @whitleyv lead to this!

[image: flow_around_cylinder]

Implementation is here:

and the script that produced the above animation:

We just did something very simple as a starting point --- hopefully more to come.

@weymouth thanks for your insights --- could make sense to schedule a meeting sometime soon to discuss next steps.

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whitleyv commented 3 years ago

Algorithms.pdf gives a general outline of the algorithm for the RK3 stepping currently implemented (Algorithm 1) as well as one for the IBM implemented above (Algorithm 3), if anyone is interested!

christophernhill commented 3 years ago

@glwagner @ali-ramadhan and @whitleyv that is really nice.

navidcy commented 3 years ago

I've been waiting for something like this for long now :) Nice work @whitleyv et al!

johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

Great stuff guys. Can we now put a ridge down our eddying channel? Is an island possible? John

On Fri, Oct 30, 2020, 11:52 AM Gregory L. Wagner wrote:

Fun pair programming sesh with @ali-ramadhan @whitleyv lead to this!

[image: flow_around_cylinder]

Implementation is here:

and the script that produced the above animation:

We just did something very simple as a starting point --- hopefully more to come.

@weymouth thanks for your insights --- could make sense to schedule a meeting sometime soon to discuss next steps.

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glwagner commented 3 years ago

Great stuff guys. Can we now put a ridge down our eddying channel? Is an island possible? John

Not quite, but we're definitely making progress toward ridges and islands in an eddying channel!

@whitleyv might be able to provide more detail but the algorithms we've been discussing seem valid for arbitrary geometries --- so it islands would be on the table, as well as three-dimensional geometries like underwater "arches".

I think @whitleyv's algorithm may easily generalize to Dirichlet boundary conditions on tracer fields, which might suffice for proof-of-concept simulations in the eddying channel context. But I think we'll want to be able to set the gradients of fields (so we can enforce insulating boundary conditions on temperature, for example) before implementing eddying channel setups with bathymetry.

As @weymouth implied we may also need to invest some effort in modifying the pressure solver for large-scale oceanography-type setups where getting form drag / pressure drag across bathymetry is important (having a hydrostatic solver might make that task easier). We'll have to look into this more when the time is ripe.

wenegrat commented 3 years ago

Just adding to @glwagner's comment, @whitleyv and I have discussed adding:

I think we have a good sense of how to approach the above.

I'm also interested in discussing pressure solver modifications with @weymouth, we will talk on our end and then be in touch to schedule a time to chat. Thanks! Jacob

glwagner commented 3 years ago

Some notes regarding the velocity correction / pressure solver method:

whitleyv commented 3 years ago

I have been doing some analysis on the immersed boundary currently implemented for the case of steady state flow over a cylinder. I'm getting the following pressure contours and just wanted to check and make sure that the pressure field I'm getting within the cylinder (ie. where there shouldn't actually be anything going on) is not an issue, at least for the case of a stationary boundary. The contours on the outside of the cylinder are correct for this scenario, but the literature usually just masks the boundary with a circle hiding what is going on within the cylinder. So I am not sure what other people are getting in their IBM models. pressure_Re40_dx04_small I am also getting a small velocity within the cylinder. I can plot the velocity within the cylinder at a couple of points compared to a rough estimate of the RK3 last stage pressure correction, and they match pretty well. I'm fairly certain that the velocity errors within the IB scale with the NH pressure correction, so as long as the time stepping is kept reasonably small, then the velocity errors within the cylinder should be negligible. Is this the correct interpretation of the velocity error due to pressure correction? @weymouth @glwagner Pcorrect_vs_velocity_inside

glwagner commented 3 years ago

That solution looks pretty good!

As far as I can tell I think it makes sense for the "full" pressure field to continue smoothly into the IB, since the pressure field is somehow a solution to Poisson's equation --- even if the RHS of the Poisson equation varies rapidly close to the IB (?)

Does the magnitude of the velocity error scale with the time-step, or resolution? Perhaps plotting the dependence of the error on some of those parameters can give us confidence that the method is working as expected.

Should we try iterating the IB correction + pressure solve to see if it reduces the velocity error, as we hypothesized it might?

johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

Victoria, is the velocity normal to the cylinder zero? and perhaps the tangential component too, if you are using no-slip boundary conditions. I have a nice application of all this if you are going in 3-d. John

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 2:54 PM Gregory L. Wagner wrote:

That solution looks pretty good!

As far as I can tell I think it makes sense for the "full" pressure field to continue smoothly into the IB, since the pressure field is somehow a solution to Poisson's equation --- even if the RHS of the Poisson equation varies rapidly close to the IB (?)

Does the magnitude of the velocity error scale with the time-step, or resolution? Perhaps plotting the dependence of the error on some of those parameters can give us confidence that the method is working as expected.

Should we try iterating the IB correction + pressure solve to see if it reduces the velocity error, as we hypothesized it might?

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John Marshall Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT

francispoulin commented 3 years ago

I don't have any experience using immersed boundary methods but I would say that if you are getting the correct behavour outside of the domain, where the fluid is physically present, then it shouldn't matter very much (if at all) what is happening in the interior.

Great to see and thanks for sharing!

christophernhill commented 3 years ago

@whitleyv that plot looks very nice and pressure makes sense. Plots of pressure gradient in x and y might be good too. It would be interesting to estimate the normal flow to the cylinder walls somehow - not entirely sure how though.....

whitleyv commented 3 years ago

Does the magnitude of the velocity error scale with the time-step, or resolution? Perhaps plotting the dependence of the error on some of those parameters can give us confidence that the method is working as expected.

So far I've run two different grid sizes, but I've been changing the time step with the grid size for stability, so I'm not sure. I mean the grid spacing will make it more accurate, so it probably does a better job, but I think the pressure correction is so close to the velocities we're seeing that the time step within the pressure correction has to play a big role.

Victoria, is the velocity normal to the cylinder zero? and perhaps the tangential component too, if you are using no-slip boundary conditions. I have a nice application of all this if you are going in 3-d. John

The velocity roughly normal to the cylinder at the top (0-180 degrees) is close to zero. I'm not sure if my normal velocity calculation is off, but the bottom half of the cylinder is showing a lot more variation. Vnorm_onCylinder

christophernhill commented 3 years ago

@whitleyv I am not sure how small the instantaneous normal velocities should be, they look kind of big to me, but the solution looks nice - I don't have a good sense what they should be in an IBM setting. We could do a zoom with Timour Radko about how they evaluated the IBM in ? It has a similar FV algorithm, but a slower solver.

francispoulin commented 3 years ago

From your contour plot I see that the maximum speed is about 0.5. The plot of the normal velocities has the normal velocity at the surface to go as large as 0.008 or so. It is close to 100 times smaller. Do you think this gets better with increased resolution?

It's intresting that the largest error seems to be between -90 degrees and 10 degrees. I am not sure what causes the asymmetry but it is interesting.

wenegrat commented 3 years ago

Does the magnitude of the velocity error scale with the time-step, or resolution?

I think the expected behavior is that the velocity error in the object scales with the non-hydrostatic pressure gradient times the timestep of the Runge-Kutta substep. Presumably the non-hydrostatic pressure gradient in the object scales as the non-hydrostatic pressure over the length scale of the object. If the strength of the non-hydrostatic pressure field on the object of the boundary is a function of the outer-flow and object configuration, then I don't think grid refinement will help much. We should do a more rigorous validation of this at some point, but at least the dependence on the timestep gives a way to control the velocity error.

I also suspect the pattern of the normal velocities in the plot shown may be spurious, as we know the velocity gets very small in all 'solid' nodes fully inside the object. The apparent error on the boundary as a function of angle may have to do with the how the current first-pass implementation sets the solid boundary location on the c-grid.

@christophernhill thanks very much for the offer! It will be good to take you up on that down the line, but let @whitleyv and I do a bit of digging first.

christophernhill commented 3 years ago

@wenegrat and @whitleyv sounds good - is the angle dependence maybe due to time dependence of flow, does it move around as the flow changes?

weymouth commented 3 years ago

Looks pretty good! A 1% violation in the BCs due to the projection seems reasonable (as in - I would think something had gone wrong if it was 20%). This is expected due to the issues we discussed on Zoom. While it will certainly impact force predictions and the near wall solution slightly, the impact should be fairly minor and might be controlled by a second BC enforcement and projection step.

The characteristics of the pressure solution within the body are nonphysical, and so down entirely to the implementation of the pressure solver. My guess is that the asymmetry is due to an index sweep in the solver smearing this error ahead of itself. Is the solution outside the body perfectly symmetric?

Gabriel D Weymouth

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." Pablo Picasso

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 12:08 AM Chris Hill wrote:

@wenegrat and @whitleyv sounds good - is the angle dependence maybe due to time dependence of flow, does it move around as the flow changes?

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glwagner commented 3 years ago

I think the expected behavior is that the velocity error in the object scales with the non-hydrostatic pressure gradient times the timestep of the Runge-Kutta substep. Presumably the non-hydrostatic pressure gradient in the object scales as the non-hydrostatic pressure over the length scale of the object. If the strength of the non-hydrostatic pressure field on the object of the boundary is a function of the outer-flow and object configuration, then I don't think grid refinement will help much.

Thanks @wenegrat. Sounds like there might be two decent tests to confirm that the algorithm is implemented correctly: 1) run the same problem for 3-5 different time-steps, and confirm that the error reduces with 1/dt and 2) refine the grid and confirm that the error remains constant.

My guess is that the asymmetry is due to an index sweep in the solver smearing this error ahead of itself.

Hmm... the solver uses FFTs. Perhaps @ali-ramadhan can answer, but this might be a question about the internal implementation of the FFT -- not sure.

whitleyv commented 3 years ago

Is the solution outside the body perfectly symmetric?

@wenegrat and @whitleyv sounds good - is the angle dependence maybe due to time dependence of flow, does it move around as the flow changes?

@christophernhill This should be a roughly steady state solution for Re = 40 by the end of the simulation. Changes in velocity at that point are O(10^-5). Here is the velocity contours for the above case @weymouth. Angle-wise, 0 degrees was taken due east but the flow is not in that direction, so it should have been symmetric from [-90,90] and [90,270]. As @wenegrat mentioned, the normal velocity may be uneven due to the interpolation and derivative calculations so near the boundary.


weymouth commented 3 years ago

That solution looks pretty symmetric, but you can just subtract left from right to get a quantitative measure. If there is a persistent asymmetry near the body, then it would be worth examining those derivative and interpolation routines.

Gabriel D Weymouth

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." Pablo Picasso

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 3:34 PM Victoria Whitley wrote:

Is the solution outside the body perfectly symmetric?

@wenegrat and @whitleyv sounds good - is the angle dependence maybe due to time dependence of flow, does it move around as the flow changes?

@christophernhill This should be a roughly steady state solution for Re = 40 by the end of the simulation. Changes in velocity at that point are O(10^-5). Here is the velocity contours for the above case @weymouth Angle-wise, 0 degrees was taken due east but the flow is not in that direction, so it should have been symmetric from [-90,90] and [90,270]. As @wenegrat mentioned, the normal velocity may be uneven due to the interpolation and derivative calculations so near the boundary.

[image: velocity_Re40_dx04_small]

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christophernhill commented 3 years ago

OK - different from the Oct 30 movie! It does look pretty steady, but it could still be asymptoting to fully steady. For equilibration problems sometimes animating a quantity like dv/dt with a min max scale that varies with the field is useful. It can take surprisingly long for the numerical solution to reach fully steady and that can be a way to see it. That can also visually highlight unexpected asymmetry, if there is any lurking.

Is there any sort of [ -1/(alpha.dt) u ] term within the cylinder - in flow in porous media type problems that sort of thing is sometimes added.

I think the FFT solver itself is fairly isotropic and grid unaware. In essence it just projects the RHS onto a bunch of sin and cos bases, scales the wave space solution by appropriate eigenvalues and then evaluates the result back in physical space. The FFT is done in successive directions, but the end result is in machine precision usually and I don't think I would expect to see any preferential index direction in the solution. It is possible to permute the X and Y FFT computation order to see if that impacts.

The RHS will have a lot of grid and boundary approximation in it though - but it is all local I think, so not sure it knows about different direction sweeps etc...

hdrake commented 3 years ago

@whitleyv, if I want to start playing around with your immersed boundary implementations, where is a good place to start? Should I go back to or start using your more arbitrary implementation in this branch

(Anecdotally, I had trouble running any of the immersed boundary validation experiments on that branch on my CPU).

whitleyv commented 3 years ago

@hdrake the newer implementation on the branch is definitely the way to go. The fitted grid version is pretty obsolete at this point. It hasn’t been updated since January or so. I’m not sure why the branch isn’t working for you, but it doesn’t necessarily surprise me either. I added tracers, but haven’t had the time to make sure everything is playing well with each other. I hope to be able to update and figure out how the branch is doing in the next few weeks. I can come back here and update when it’s working better!

johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

Victoria, if you've added tracers we'd be very interested in applying it to an icy moon project to represent topography of ice. Copying this to Gianluca Meneghello. John

On Tue, May 11, 2021, 8:53 PM Victoria Whitley @.***> wrote:

@hdrake the newer implementation on the branch is definitely the way to go. The fitted grid version is pretty obsolete at this point. It hasn’t been updated since December or so. I’m not sure why the branch isn’t working for you, but it doesn’t necessarily surprise me either. I added tracers, but haven’t had the time to make sure everything is playing well with each other. I hope to be able to update and figure out how the branch is doing in the next few weeks. I can come back here and update when it’s working better!

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johncmarshall54 commented 3 years ago

Hi Victoria,

That sounds very interesting. Please keep me updated!

Thank you for your contributions!


On May 11, 2021, at 9:59 PM, John Marshall @.***> wrote:

 Victoria, if you've added tracers we'd be very interested in applying it to an icy moon project to represent topography of ice. Copying this to Gianluca Meneghello. John

On Tue, May 11, 2021, 8:53 PM Victoria Whitley @.**@.>> wrote:

@hdrake the newer implementation on the branch is definitely the way to go. The fitted grid version is pretty obsolete at this point. It hasn’t been updated since December or so. I’m not sure why the branch isn’t working for you, but it doesn’t necessarily surprise me either. I added tracers, but haven’t had the time to make sure everything is playing well with each other. I hope to be able to update and figure out how the branch is doing in the next few weeks. I can come back here and update when it’s working better!

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whitleyv commented 3 years ago

Victoria, if you've added tracers we'd be very interested in applying it to an icy moon project to represent topography of ice. Copying this to Gianluca Meneghello. John @johncmarshall54 It's still in the development phase, but I hope to have a more complete version available in the next month or so. I will definitely let you know when that is up and running, and would be happy to help you with it when the time comes!

glwagner commented 3 years ago

@hdrake, the scripts in validation/immersed_boundary are meant to be run on the master branch using the existing immersed boundary implementation (not the implementation on vw/arbitrary_immersedboundary). However, the script has gone stale (see #1634) and needs to be updated to match the current API. Once the syntax is updated (eg changing RegularCartesianGrid to RegularRectilinearGrid) we expect the script to run.

glwagner commented 1 year ago

We have immersed boundaries now of course!