Closed navidcy closed 1 year ago
After lot of fiddling, the script below seems to work OK on #main
@ b99b467, but only after we comment out
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Grids: φnode, λnode, halo_size
using Oceananigans.MultiRegion: getregion
using Oceananigans.BoundaryConditions: fill_halo_regions!
using Oceananigans.Fields: replace_horizontal_velocity_halos!
using GLMakie
Nx, Ny, Nz = 180, 180, 1
radius = 1
grid = ConformalCubedSphereGrid(; panel_size=(Nx, Ny, Nz),
z = (-1, 0),
horizontal_direction_halo = 4,
partition = CubedSpherePartition(; R = 1))
u = XFaceField(grid)
v = YFaceField(grid)
R = getregion(grid, 1).radius # radius of the sphere (m)
α = 0
u₀ = 1
ψ(λ, φ, z) = - R * u₀ * (sind(φ) * cosd(α) - cosd(λ) * cosd(φ) * sind(α))
Hx, Hy, Hz = halo_size(grid)
Ψ = Field{Center, Center, Center}(grid)
for region in 1:6
region_grid = getregion(grid, region)
for k in -Hz+1:region_grid.Nz+Hz, j in -Hy+1:grid.Ny+Hy, i in -Hx+1:grid.Nx+Hx
λ = λnode(i, j, k, getregion(grid, region), Face(), Face(), Center())
φ = φnode(i, j, k, getregion(grid, region), Face(), Face(), Center())
getregion(Ψ, region)[i, j, k] = ψ(λ, φ, 0)
u = Field{Face, Center, Center}(grid)
v = Field{Center, Face, Center}(grid)
for region in 1:6
region_grid = getregion(grid, region)
for k in -Hz+2:region_grid.Nz+Hz-1, j in -Hy+2:region_grid.Ny+Hy-1, i in -Hx+2:region_grid.Nx+Hx-1
getregion(u, region)[i, j, k] = - (getregion(Ψ, region)[i, j+1, k] - getregion(Ψ, region)[i, j, k]) / getregion(grid, region).Δyᶜᶠᵃ[i, j]
getregion(v, region)[i, j, k] = (getregion(Ψ, region)[i+1, j, k] - getregion(Ψ, region)[i, j, k]) / getregion(grid, region).Δxᶠᶜᵃ[i, j]
for _ in 1:2
@apply_regionally replace_horizontal_velocity_halos!((; u = u, v = v, w = nothing), grid)
velocities = PrescribedVelocityFields(; u , v)
model = HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel(; grid,
momentum_advection = nothing,
tracer_advection = WENO(),
tracers = :θ,
buoyancy = nothing)
# initial condition for tracer
panel = 1
λ₁ = λnode(3Nx÷4+1, Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
φ₁ = φnode(3Nx÷4+1, Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
panel = 4
λ₂ = λnode(Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
φ₂ = φnode(Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
panel = 3
λ₃ = λnode(3Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
φ₃ = φnode(3Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
panel = 6
λ₄ = λnode(3Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
φ₄ = φnode(3Nx÷4+1, 3Ny÷4+1, getregion(grid, panel), Center(), Center())
δR = 2
θ₀ = 1
θᵢ(λ, φ, z) = θ₀ * exp(-((λ - λ₁)^2 + (φ - φ₁)^2) / 2δR^2) +
θ₀ * exp(-((λ - λ₂)^2 + (φ - φ₂)^2) / 2δR^2) +
θ₀ * exp(-((λ - λ₃)^2 + (φ - φ₃)^2) / 2δR^2) +
θ₀ * exp(-((λ - λ₄)^2 + (φ - φ₄)^2) / 2δR^2)
set!(model, θ = θᵢ)
θ = model.tracers.θ
Δt = 0.0015
stop_iteration = 8000
simulation = Simulation(model; Δt, stop_iteration)
# Print a progress message
using Printf
progress_message(sim) = @printf("Iteration: %04d, time: %s, Δt: %s, wall time: %s\n",
iteration(sim), prettytime(sim), prettytime(sim.Δt),
simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress_message, IterationInterval(100))
tracer_fields = Field[]
function save_tracer(sim)
push!(tracer_fields, deepcopy(sim.model.tracers.θ))
simulation.callbacks[:save_tracer] = Callback(save_tracer, IterationInterval(20))
@info "Making an animation from the saved data..."
n = Observable(1)
Θₙ = []
for region in 1:6
push!(Θₙ, @lift parent(getregion(tracer_fields[$n], region)[:, :, grid.Nz]))
function where_to_plot(region)
region == 1 && return (3, 1)
region == 2 && return (3, 2)
region == 3 && return (2, 2)
region == 4 && return (2, 3)
region == 5 && return (1, 3)
region == 6 && return (1, 4)
function heatlatlon!(ax::Axis, field, k=1; kwargs...)
LX, LY, LZ = location(field)
grid = field.grid
_, (λvertices, φvertices) = get_lat_lon_nodes_and_vertices(grid, LX(), LY(), LZ())
quad_points = vcat([Point2.(λvertices[:, i, j], φvertices[:, i, j])
for i in axes(λvertices, 2), j in axes(λvertices, 3)]...)
quad_faces = vcat([begin; j = (i-1) * 4 + 1; [j j+1 j+2; j+2 j+3 j]; end for i in 1:length(quad_points)÷4]...)
colors_per_point = vcat(fill.(vec(interior(field, :, :, k)), 4)...)
mesh!(ax, quad_points, quad_faces; color = colors_per_point, shading = false, kwargs...)
xlims!(ax, (-180, 180))
ylims!(ax, (-90, 90))
return ax
heatlatlon!(ax::Axis, field::CubedSphereField, k=1; kwargs...) = apply_regionally!(heatlatlon!, ax, field, k; kwargs...)
heatlatlon!(ax::Axis, field::Observable{<:CubedSphereField}, k=1; kwargs...) = apply_regionally!(heatlatlon!, ax, field.val, k; kwargs...)
using GeoMakie
using Oceananigans.Utils: Iterate, get_lat_lon_nodes_and_vertices, get_cartesian_nodes_and_vertices, apply_regionally!
n = Observable(1)
Θₙ = @lift tracer_fields[$n]
fig = Figure(resolution = (1600, 1200), fontsize=30)
ax = GeoAxis(fig[1, 1], coastlines = true, lonlims = automatic)
heatlatlon!(ax, Θₙ, colorrange=(0, 0.5θ₀))
frames = 1:length(tracer_fields)
GLMakie.record(fig, "multi_region_tracer_advection_latlon.mp4", frames, framerate = 48) do i
@info string("Plotting frame ", i, " of ", frames[end])
Θₙ[] = tracer_fields[i]
heatlatlon!(ax, Θₙ, colorrange=(0, 0.5θ₀))
(PR is coming!)
The PR should fix prescribed velocity fields on the cubed sphere without commenting out things that are not for the cubed sphere?
The PR should fix prescribed velocity fields on the cubed sphere without commenting out things that are not for the cubed sphere?
Of course!
i was just mostly excited with the video and wanted to post about the progress…
It's very exciting! I was just remarking about "we have to comment X out". Extending a method that doesn't work on the cubed sphere is practically the same amount of work (in this case), and illustrates the proper workflow when developing a new feature (often methods will have to be extended, since they may make assumptions that are no longer valid). So I wanted to point that out in case people run into this in the future and use it as a template for their own development. Also if you are working with others, being clear about the development that's needed can help coordinate efforts.
Add a validation script and/or tests.