CliMA / Oceananigans.jl

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Broadcasting over regions for `MultiRegionField`s #3577

Open navidcy opened 5 months ago

navidcy commented 5 months ago

In for MultiRegionFields, we often forced to do, e.g.,

for region in 1:number_of_regions(grid)
    u[region] .= - ∂y(ψ[region])
    v[region] .= + ∂x(ψ[region])

We'd like to be able to simply do:

u .= - ∂y(ψ)
v .= + ∂x(ψ)

See, e.g.,

cc @siddharthabishnu, @simone-silvestri, @glwagner

simone-silvestri commented 5 months ago

I think wrapping Base.Broadcast.materialize! in around @apply_regionally for multi region fields might do the job

glwagner commented 5 months ago

I think wrapping Base.Broadcast.materialize! in

around @apply_regionally for multi region fields might do the job

Or we can extend materialize!(dest::MultiRegionField, ...)