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Interactive visualization and analytics on ADS-B data with ClickHouse
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Airplanes.Live Data #12

Closed adsb-related-code closed 2 months ago

adsb-related-code commented 2 months ago

Contact Airplanes.Live for data. They have comparable coverage to ADSBx and are some of the developers that build ADSBx before the sale. They support many projects with data if they ask for it.

m-a-123 commented 2 months ago
[7:37 AM]husky:
[8:01 AM]&_____: I am so glad I banned that asshole from here .. dirk the ever toxic doucheweasel 
[8:02 AM]TheSemicolons: lmao, the rest of the issues are pretty funny
[8:03 AM]TheSemicolons:
Sometimes, it displays an unknown pop artist (a dude in white pants and guitar) instead of an airplane.

It displays a burned battery instead of some model of Boeing 787.

It does not distinguish between different models, e.g., Boeing 737-700, 737-800, 737-900, or Airbus A319, A320, A321,
which is unforgivable, but we use a primitive request to find a picture from Wikipedia.

Tagged as "won't fix"
[8:33 AM]&_____: yeah it is created by ClickHouse employees to promote thier database product
[8:33 AM]&_____: 
[8:35 AM]&_____: We could offer them data, but guessing they won't return the favor, as is pretty typical when they are out simply grinding for sales. 
[8:36 AM]&_____:
[8:36 AM]TheSemicolons: ew.
[8:37 AM]&_____:
[8:37 AM]&_____: check that out
[8:37 AM]&_____: so he's insulting sites on his github for not being "all free for him"
[8:37 AM]&_____: but in bed with millions of $ in funding
[8:37 AM]&_____: fucking trash
[8:38 AM]&_____: of course everyone else time and money is worthless, except for his 
[8:38 AM]TheSemicolons: kinda sounds like a lot of the AI image people.
[8:38 AM]Lothar_of_the_Hill_People:
[8:39 AM]TheSemicolons: 🤡 <- same person
[9:47 AM]&_____: Wonder if that annoys Alexey... 
[10:16 AM]~sakura~: imagine if mh370 went to space just for fun
[12:50 PM]biscuitdigits: I actually get the impression that he’s a decent dude motivated primarily by doing interesting technical stuff - AFAIK the demo was created by Alexey alone, not by hoardes of CH employees. The history of ClickHouse is somewhat interesting (started out and Yandex, then split out and very much distanced), but I don’t think it’s your typical set-up and certainly not fair to compare CH to a “AI image people”. Not cool to shit on other sites for not giving free data if that has been happening, but equally I don’t see how such a harsh reaction to the demo, simply because it was made by a company, is all that much better than Dirk’s reaction
[1:07 PM]biscuitdigits: In fact, where has he been insulting other sites for not being free for him? Or is that hyperbole?
[5:32 PM]&_____: Dirk is just an asshole that is also a troll.  A self proclaimed opensource and privacy policy expert that takes others people's work and pretends it is his own.  Him and his troll crowd showed up after the ADSBx sale and have caused constant drama and chaos.  His posts on github and Hacker News are typical Dirk shit. 
[5:38 PM]&_____: imagine if the earth is hollow ..
[5:39 PM]&_____: Just the github is enough. Seems like all he's doing is using other people's work to drum up sales PR for his time series database company, that's what happens when you have investors that demand a return on thier investment. 
[5:41 PM]&_____: It's not the first time this has happened, there was another guy that did that same thing.   That guy took all the data, ran up a decent AWS bill exporting it at the time, and put up a "demo".  Then ghosted. 
[6:36 PM]&_____: This is always the problem, had he/ClickHouse simply said "this is a sponsored ClickHouse project, I am the co-founder and CTO of ClickHouse, the project is using our database to demonstrate  querying capability of aggregated of aircraft data" - that would be fine.  But making a list of sources, then insulting those he deems "unworthy".    The Dirk license drama is just typical asshole Dirk drama.  That crowd believes everything should be free as long as they aren't the one's paying for it. 
[6:38 PM]&_____:
[6:38 PM]&_____: Just the arrogance in his "evaluations" of other people's work.  "well you didn't use ClickHouse, so what was done is obviously inferior, had the author known about ClickHouse, he surely would have used it if he had a brain cell." 
[6:41 PM]BenCos18: yep 
that is just terrible for sure
[6:46 PM]&_____: the subtle jab on the last one
[6:46 PM]&_____: "smaller dataset but the demo is slow"
[6:46 PM]&_____: crafty
[6:48 PM]&_____:

From their discord. Totally seems like a good faith issue. Apparently &_____ is also @adsb-related-code, making the use of "they" rather disingenuous

adsb-related-code commented 2 months ago

Getting on github is not the place for your personal crusade of trolling or hate. Copy pasting a conversation in a Discord where a group is talking about the issues has nothing to do with data request. Grow up. Childish behavior is unwelcome on this issue.

Creating an account on github just to attempt to create drama where this is none. Childish at best. Cheers!


m-a-123 commented 2 months ago

Oh, it's absolutely drama. Wouldn't dare challenge that.

But perhaps the repo owner might want to know what you think of him and his projects when deciding whom to get info from. He's obviously not familiar enough with the ADSB landscape to know why ax is evil, kat is evil, dirk is evil, pronoun guy is evil, wiede is evil (I think you do concede that he's brilliant at least), etc., so maybe he might be interested. And given how you enjoy doxxing people who challenge you, I think it should be immediately obvious why someone wouldn't use their main github account.

Anyway, you can have the last word after this comment. I'm sure if he reaches out, you'll be nothing but professional.

adsb-related-code commented 2 months ago

Github is not the venue to attempt hide behind fake names and air whatever your personal grievances are.

More pointless drama is bad for your mental health.. To be fair, you're the one hiding behind fake accounts to troll, what does that say about you? What a stand up guy? All those names dropped. Do you feel important and fulfilled now?

Indeed, we are nothing but professional and work to better the hobby and our lives. Unlike you. Cheers.

I have researched some websites that can help you better your mental health.

alexey-milovidov commented 2 months ago

Thank you! I am going to work on this in a few days.

alexey-milovidov commented 2 months ago


alexey-milovidov commented 2 months ago


alexey-milovidov commented 2 months ago

Among interesting things, there is better coverage for polar regions: