I encountered a problem while attempting to insert data into a narrow table using the ClickHouse-CPP client. When the number of rows is large (e.g., 1,000,000 rows), I receive a "Connection reset by peer" error. Below is a simple demo illustrating the problem, where the error manifests with 1,000,000 rows but not with 500,000 rows:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <clickhouse/client.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
int main() {
const std::string _host = "";
const std::string _user = "";
const std::string _passwd = "";
const std::string _database = "";
const std::string _table = "";
const std::string table_name = _database + "." + _table;
const int push_step=1e6; // Number of rows per transfer
const int ColumnNumber=99;
Client client(ClientOptions().SetHost(_host).SetUser(_user).SetPassword(_passwd).SetCompressionMethod(CompressionMethod::LZ4));
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " << table_name
<< " (date Date32,fname FixedString(18), symbol FixedString(8), time DateTime64, value Int32"
<< ") ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree() order by (date, fname, symbol, time) " ;
/******************** Prepare Data ********************/
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis(1, 10000);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDate32> date = std::make_shared<ColumnDate32>();
std::shared_ptr<ColumnFixedString> symbol= std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(8);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnFixedString> fname = std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(18);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDateTime64> time = std::make_shared<ColumnDateTime64>(3);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnInt32> values = std::make_shared<ColumnInt32>();
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDate32> date_stack = std::make_shared<ColumnDate32>();
std::shared_ptr<ColumnFixedString> symbol_stack = std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(8);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnFixedString> fname_stack = std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(18);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDateTime64> time_stack = std::make_shared<ColumnDateTime64>(3);
std::shared_ptr<ColumnInt32> values_stack = std::make_shared<ColumnInt32>();
for(auto i = 0; i < push_step; ++i) {
time_t cur_time;
symbol->Append("sh" + std::to_string(i).substr(0,6));
for(auto i = 0; i < ColumnNumber; ++i) {
for(auto j = 0; j < push_step; ++j) {
fname->Append("f" + std::to_string(j));
/****************** Transfer Data **********************/
std::cout << "driver release start" << "\n";
Block block;
block.AppendColumn("date", date_stack);
block.AppendColumn("symbol", symbol_stack);
block.AppendColumn("fname", fname_stack);
block.AppendColumn("time", time_stack);
block.AppendColumn("value", values_stack);
client.Insert(table_name, block);
std::cout << "driver release done" << "\n";
return 0;
Upon execution, the program outputs "driver release start" and then terminates with the following error message:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
what(): fail to send 16 bytes of data: Connection reset by peer
I suspect this issue may be related to network transmission or server-side configuration when inserting a large amount of data. Could you advise on how to adjust ClickHouse or the client code to resolve this "Connection reset by peer" error in such a scenario? Thank you for your assistance.
I encountered a problem while attempting to insert data into a narrow table using the ClickHouse-CPP client. When the number of rows is large (e.g., 1,000,000 rows), I receive a "Connection reset by peer" error. Below is a simple demo illustrating the problem, where the error manifests with 1,000,000 rows but not with 500,000 rows:
Upon execution, the program outputs "driver release start" and then terminates with the following error message:
I suspect this issue may be related to network transmission or server-side configuration when inserting a large amount of data. Could you advise on how to adjust ClickHouse or the client code to resolve this "Connection reset by peer" error in such a scenario? Thank you for your assistance.