According to the javadoc in the InsertSettings the option addDatabase allows to query another database than the one defined in the client. Which is not the case
Steps to reproduce
Create a client with any database
Create a table in another database
Create an insertSetting with the option setDatabase with the database where you created your table
Insert data
Expected behaviour
It's expected that the data would be inserted in the correct table
Code example
Client client = new Client.Builder()
.addEndpoint(Protocol.HTTP, "localhost", 8123, false)
.useNewImplementation(System.getProperty("client.tests.useNewImplementation", "true").equals("true"))
final String tableName = "insert_settings_database_test";
final String new_database = "new_database";
client.query("CREATE DATABASE " + new_database);
client.query("CREATE TABLE " + new_database + "." + tableName + " (Id UInt32, event_ts Timestamp, name String, p1 Int64, p2 String) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY ()");
InsertSettings insertSettings = settings.setDatabase(new_database); ByteArrayOutputStream data = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(data);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
writer.printf("%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", i, "2021-01-01 00:00:00", "name" + i, i, "p2");
InsertResponse response = client.insert(tableName, new ByteArrayInputStream(data.toByteArray()),
ClickHouseFormat.TSV, insertSettings).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Error log
com.clickhouse.client.api.ServerException: Code: 60. DB::Exception: Table default.insert_settings_database_test does not exist. Maybe you meant new_database.insert_settings_database_test?. (UNKNOWN_TABLE) (version (official build))
at com.clickhouse.client.api.internal.HttpAPIClientHelper.readError(
at com.clickhouse.client.api.internal.HttpAPIClientHelper.executeRequest(
at com.clickhouse.client.api.Client.lambda$insert$7(
at com.clickhouse.client.api.Client.runAsyncOperation(
at com.clickhouse.client.api.Client.insert(
Describe the bug
According to the javadoc in the InsertSettings the option addDatabase allows to query another database than the one defined in the client. Which is not the case
Steps to reproduce
Expected behaviour
It's expected that the data would be inserted in the correct table
Code example
Error log
com.clickhouse.client.api.ServerException: Code: 60. DB::Exception: Table default.insert_settings_database_test does not exist. Maybe you meant new_database.insert_settings_database_test?. (UNKNOWN_TABLE) (version (official build))