ClickerMonkey / SemanticUI-Angular

Angular Directives for Semantic UI
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updated example3 of tabs with correct format and correct name #12

Closed shreedharshetty closed 7 years ago

shreedharshetty commented 7 years ago

following example3 will not set active class on 3rd tab, so changing the format with right tab name

shreedharshetty commented 7 years ago

@ClickerMonkey Any updates on this?

ClickerMonkey commented 7 years ago

@shreedharshetty Not sure I follow, the example is working fine. The active attribute is meant to be a binding to a scoped variable so you can determine or change the currently selected tab. Your commit sets it to be a constant string which makes the example confusing. Maybe I'm missing something?

shreedharshetty commented 7 years ago

@ClickerMonkey if you look at other examples it sets active class to tab by looking at what name is been passed to active. atleast when i tried copying your example code, it didn't set the active class, so thought of creating a pr for the same. it was lil confusing by referring to other examples where you pass name. model3 scoped variable is created here -

let us put a doc comment saying model3 is a scoped variable? couldn't get it at a first stare :)

i will close this pull request.

ClickerMonkey commented 7 years ago

I agree, the examples should also show the JS so you get the full picture! Thanks for the constructive feedback.