ClickerMonkey / SemanticUI-Angular

Angular Directives for Semantic UI
MIT License
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I dont want Jquery on my angular App #36

Closed josuevalrob closed 6 years ago

josuevalrob commented 6 years ago

Is there any way to apply this without Jquery?

ClickerMonkey commented 6 years ago

Semantic UI heavily depends on jQuery - but there is another project which removed that need... It's just not as complete.

There are a few components that could work without jQuery and you won't know until you try. You just need to make sure the code window.jQuery = window.$ = window.angular.element runs after angular is included and before Semantic JS is included. I had a list of functions in jqlite that needed upgraded that were used in the library by certain components, but I don't recall which components needed that and which jqlite functions.