Clidus / gwl

Video game collection, wishlist and backlog tracker.
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Release Date On Game Page #113

Open dinosaw opened 7 years ago

dinosaw commented 7 years ago

Just curious if it would be possible to get the release date (or tentative release date) displayed on the game page (e.g. on a page like this

Sometimes when I'm browsing through my wishlist, I want to see when the games are coming out. I know I can sort by release date, but seeing exact dates would be awesome!

I also realize if you don't want to invest time into this because you're moving from GiantBomb to Steam.

Either way, just a suggestion!

Clidus commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion :)

The reason release date isn't currently displayed is there isn't a single release date. The one we have is an ambiguous "first release date" which I don't find very helpful, and in a lot of cases is actually wrong.

As an example, that game actually has six releases, in different regions for different consoles:

My plan is to gather all of that data, and allow you to set which region you would like your data organised by. This will allow for other features, like upcoming releases on your wish list:

I have a couple of features in the pipe before this, but this should be coming soon!

dinosaw commented 7 years ago

Very valid point with the multiple release dates! I didn't even think about that. Sounds tough to implement now that you point that out, but glad to see you're aware and working on a solution :)