Clidus / gwl

Video game collection, wishlist and backlog tracker.
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Games Being Added To "No Platform" (dev branch) #68

Closed crunchprank closed 9 years ago

crunchprank commented 9 years ago

Despite adding the games to my collection and checking off the platforms I own them for, they are shown on my profile and activity as "No Platform"

Screen cap:

For the above example, I actually added that specific game to two different platforms.

I've used your most recent database.txt file from

Clidus commented 9 years ago

Nice find. You should be a tester :)

Bug seems to have been caused by me concating all the javascript files together. The checkbox on change event has been hijacked by the on change event that is supposed to only happen on the collection page (you see the reference to a filter).

Will need a bit of reworking.

screen shot 2015-06-20 at 21 42 20

crunchprank commented 9 years ago

Once again, I appreciate you looking into this! :)

Clidus commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay. For now I've scoped the checkbox on change bindings so they don't conflict. Longer term, the filter code is all going to be removed anyway.

crunchprank commented 9 years ago

Verified working. No worries about the delay. Thanks.