Clidus / gwl

Video game collection, wishlist and backlog tracker.
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User Page / Browse Users #69

Open crunchprank opened 9 years ago

crunchprank commented 9 years ago

This is a feature request / enhancement.

It would be cool if there was a way to browse users of the site. The "following" feature is a great thing to have, however if I don't know what a user's ID number is, I'm unable to find them to follow.

I think a "Browse Users" page would be nifty! Maybe even have it sortable by username, recent activity, and other criteria. Of course making it sortable isn't a big deal - just a user page is the main concern.

If this isn't feasible at this time, no worries.

Clidus commented 9 years ago

Yup, user discoverability is definitely a problem right now!

I think this idea, combined with #21 should help quite a bit.

Thanks for the suggestion :)

crunchprank commented 9 years ago

I didn't want to create a new issue for this, because it goes along with discoverability I think. But instead of user profile links being whatever the user ID is, it would be cool to see it as the username. (e.g. instead of )

Clidus commented 8 years ago

Tis a good idea :)

I've made a separate issue for it #71

crunchprank commented 7 years ago

So I've been wanting to do more with this platform again since E3 got me and my friends wanting SO many games hah. And since this goes along with discoverability, I didn't want to open a new issue. However if you want me to open a new issue, just let me know and I will!

Anyway, I've noticed that the main home page of the site has a global feed of all user activity, however once you log into the site under your account, you can no longer see this global feed. Is there a code snippet that I can add to a page that has this global feed in it? The community I have has grown to about 15 users and even though that's not very large, we all know each other and it would be cool to see each other's activity so we can comment and get recommendations, etc. Thanks!

Clidus commented 7 years ago

It's a valid point and something that has bothered me too. I'll try and add the ability to toggle between your feed and the global feed in the next update, but if you'd like a simple solution right now you can simply edit this line:

If you change

$data['events'] = $this->Event->getEvents(null, null, $this->session->userdata('UserID'), $this->session->userdata('DateTimeFormat'), $offset, $resultsPerPage);


$data['events'] = $this->Event->getEvents(null, null, null, $this->session->userdata('DateTimeFormat'), $offset, $resultsPerPage);

the logged in homepage will load the global feed.

I hope that helps!