Clifford-Yen / hercules

Hercules is an octree-based finite element earthquake simulator originally developed by the Quake Group at Carnegie Mellon. Hercules is used to solve large-scale earthquake wave propagation problems. For instructions on how to build, install and execute Hercules, please read the documentation below.
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The analysis results that consider topography are not consistent #5

Closed Clifford-Yen closed 6 months ago

Clifford-Yen commented 6 months ago

Running analyses with the consideration of topography would generate inconsistent results even if the analysis is damping-less. This problem was originally embedded in #1 and #2, but I decide to create this issue separately to make it clear.

Clifford-Yen commented 6 months ago

As mentioned in #1, this issue has been fixed in 3b7754c9007230451eb26ed7b142b72c5076bdad