CliffracerMerchant / SoundAura

Apache License 2.0
46 stars 3 forks source link

please integrate some binaural beat sounds #28

Open secretmango opened 1 year ago

secretmango commented 1 year ago

Here are some links where you can get CC and royalty free sounds:

Awesome app! This is so useful, but needs some basic samples without background music for mixing.

CliffracerMerchant commented 1 year ago

I originally decided to leave out pre-included sounds to cut down on download size. I'm not opposed to including a few if they are small enough and aren't too obvious when they loop, but it might have to wait for the time being unless someone else wants to do it. I have quite a few other open issues at the moment, and I'm not going to have nearly as much time to work on this app in the near future.

I'll leave the issue open for now in case I ever get around to it, or in case someone else wants to handle it.

sanctimoniousape commented 1 year ago

I like your mindset to keep the app small, but it does leave the user a bit too much on their own for those not knowing where to go for sound sources (yeah, I know Google exists, but good app design makes the barriers to entry as low as possible, IMHO). As a simple solution, may I suggest you include an intro dialog saying something like "Don't know where to start? Check out these sites for some sound options." Include links such as those above. That at least gives the user a good starting point. The lack of one is why I came here, as I was hoping to find some recommended sources - thanks to @firefoxlover for fulfilling that need.

CliffracerMerchant commented 1 year ago

I think I'm still opposed to actually including the sounds in the apk, but you're right that there should be a pop up dialog to point users in the right direction. I'll add one that links to the ambient sounds section, and a pointer to the Seal app (which can be used to download audio from websites like YouTube.

secretmango commented 1 year ago

Good idea! Never heard of Seal, there are no many downloaders. Also dont forget Spotiflyer.

I would divide it into categories:

Ambient sounds

Binaural Beats


PawelGu commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think there are enough sound sources. Personally I like much more to use YouTube as a around source - I prefer non looping sounds so I combine 2 or 3 hours recordings of a beach and tropical forest sound... What would be nice though having an option for automatically changing volume or pausing of tracks while playing (changing either just randomly or within certain amounts of time). This would lead to more variations.

secretmango commented 1 year ago

Youtubes Audio quality is pretty bad if you ask certain people. Also they dont offer surround sound, not always stereo etc.

heartlog commented 1 year ago

You know what's better than annoying pop ups? A nice markdown file that tells you everything you need to know about the sound sources. Just create a file called "" and write down the websites and notes about them. It's like a cheat sheet for your ears. And if you want to be extra fancy, you can also use the "repo/wiki/" section to store your information. Trust me, the simpler you make it, the easier it will be to understand it. And the more people will love you for it.