ClimateCompatibleGrowth / osemosys_kenya

Repository to house OSeMOSYS-Kenya model, data, and scripts.
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

Please add attribution for OSeMOSYS #6

Closed willu47 closed 2 months ago

willu47 commented 4 months ago

As you have included the osemosys code in wesm/model_wesm.txt and psm/model_psm.txt, you should include the Apache 2.0 license, and also explain in the file and the readme that these are a derivative of the original OSeMOSYS framework, cite the paper, and link back to the OSeMOSYS/OSeMOSYS_GNU_MathProg repository.

pielube commented 2 months ago
