ClimateInequality / PrjCEC

China Environment Children
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literature: Absolute levels for extreme temp, critical thresholds of with-in day calculations. #5

Open FanWangEcon opened 1 year ago

FanWangEcon commented 1 year ago

Critical Thresholds

Review what are the appropriate temperature thresholds to use for heat and cold based on biological/scientific analysis. Perhaps there are several thresholds of different levels of severity.

Within day Measurement

We have potentially hourly measurements of temperature, and would want to construct a measure for whether a particular day is extremely cold or hot, how do we measure that. Should we take the average daily average temperature across all 24 hours, or just during the day time? Or if there is just a single hour in the day that is above heat threshold, the day falls under extremely hot, even if average is not?

FanWangEcon commented 1 year ago

By May 22


Search and review literature, keep track relevant files in Zotero, and:

FanWangEcon commented 1 year ago

By Juen 5th


This will be in support of our extreme temperature evaluation strategy in the paper.

FanWangEcon commented 1 year ago

Recent unicef report on child exposure to heat, this analysis seems very naive compared to what we are doing.