ClinGen / clincoded

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Sorting ClinVar data on Basic Information tab #2252

Closed wrightmw closed 2 years ago

wrightmw commented 3 years ago

Request for ClinVar and VCI classifications that are on the "Basic Information" tab be sorted. Sorting, to be confirmed by VCI WG, could be by approval status and then by recency (most recent at top) within approval status. For ClinVar, it should be sorted by star level (4 star, then 3 star, then 1 star then 0 star and then within the star level, it should be by recency).

Example: illustrates the issue, as there are ~29 submissions, many conflicting, and the ClinGen VCEP entry is all of the way down near the bottom of the list. And for VCI the EP is in the middle with two no status entries surrounding it.

wrightmw commented 2 years ago

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