ClinGen / gene-and-variant-curation-tools

ClinGen's gene and variant curation interfaces (GCI & VCI). Developed by Stanford ClinGen team.
MIT License
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Dashboard update requests #343

Open cgpreston opened 8 months ago

cgpreston commented 8 months ago

Please add a column in the dashboard download file that includes the URL link to the curation in the VCI/GCI Released 12/18/2023

Other requests:

  1. Please add a column with the CAID in the download file for VCI downloads released 1/24/24
  2. Please add the Include Variant Genomic Context (GRCh38 only):
    • Chromosome
    • Position
    • Change information This data is currently displayed at the bottom of the “Basic Information” Tab and is needed for linking to other resources (e.g., gnomAD, annotation resources) and sorting.
  3. Please provide the functionality (and icon) for opening variants and genes from the dashboard into a new tab

markmandell commented 7 months ago

Currently not pulling in CAID data per variant in the dashboards. In the future, when we refactor the query for the dashboards, CAIDs will be added to the projected data to be returned in the dashboard tables.

markmandell commented 6 months ago

merged to prod 12/18/23

cgpreston commented 6 months ago

@markmandell , I'm going to keep this open (but rename it) so we don't loose the other requests. Thanks so much for getting the URL's out so quickly!

cgpreston commented 6 months ago

Note we've gotten requests from two VCEPs to add in unique IDs (ClinVar/CAR) to the dashboard download in late December 2023.