ClinGen / gene-and-variant-curation-tools

ClinGen's gene and variant curation interfaces (GCI & VCI). Developed by Stanford ClinGen team.
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Update GCI Tooltips #371

Open bmpbowen opened 4 weeks ago

bmpbowen commented 4 weeks ago

An audit of all GCI fields identified multiple opportunities to improve the user experience by providing additional context about each field's intended use.

To do:

Curation Central

  1. Genetic Evidence
  2. Case Level Data (one tooltip each for: Group, Family, Individual)
  3. Case-Control Data
  4. Experimental Data

Add above tooltips when each of the following sections are opened as well:

  1. Curate Group Information
  2. Curate Family Information
  3. Individual Case Level Data
  4. Curate Case Control Evidence
  5. Curate Experimental Data Information

Edit Individual Information

  1. Add a tooltip next to "Is there functional data to support this variant?" to clarify what is meant by functional data
  2. Add a tooltip next to Individual: Method explaining each typing methodology

Biochemical Function

  1. Add a tooltip next to "Identified function of gene in this record (GO ID): *" explaining what a GO term is

Model systems

  1. Add a tooltip next to Non-human model organism: * instructing user on what to do if their organism is not included in the provided list


  1. Add a tooltip next to "Does the wild-type rescue the above phenotype?"
  2. Add a tooltip next to "Does patient variant rescue?"

Case Control A: Power Section

  1. Add a tooltip next to "Number of Cases with variant(s) in the gene in question: *" to clarify users should enter number of individuals not number of alleles
  2. Add a tooltip next to "Number of Controls with variant(s) in the gene in question: *" to clarify users should enter number of individuals not number of alleles

B: Demographics

  1. Add a tooltip under Case Age Range clarifying its purpose
  2. Add same tooltip under Control Age Range clarifying its purpose

C. Statistics

  1. Add a tooltip next to test statistic
  2. Add a tooltip next to p-value
  3. Add a tooltip next to Confidence Interval