Clinical-Genomics-Lund / SomaticPanelPipeline

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Make pipeline more develop-friendly #17

Open ViktorHy opened 9 months ago

ViktorHy commented 9 months ago

To make it easier to load data generated from pipeline into coyote:

  1. Gens data needs to be tabixed
  2. Gens data can only be loaded from /fs1/results/, maybe publishdir to there? Or some other solution. Needs to be backed up as well. Gens only stores paths and as such we will lose data for dev runs if not in /fs1/results
  3. Plot-data. Only supported folders in coyote is supported. Either make it easier to load image paths into coyote (defined in mongo and loaded dynamically?) or make sure image are output into correct folders/backup/symlink. See gens issue above
sailepradh commented 9 months ago

I can take this and maybe the header could be alittle more informative as "Improve visulization issues with the pipelines"

ViktorHy commented 3 months ago

Maybe add a script to solve third problem. To be used during development