Clinical-Genomics / cg_lims

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LIMS verification - [Normalize RNA finished libraries on Hamilton and make dilutions in LIMS] #437

Open idalindegaard opened 11 months ago

idalindegaard commented 11 months ago

Work Flow: RNA v4

Protocol: Normalization of RNA samples for sequencing

Step: Normalization of RNA samples for sequencing


Describe the reason for the verification and other motivations

Finished libraries from the RNA prep at CG usually need dilution as we aim to sequence libraries with a concentration of 2.5 nM (around 0.5 ng/ul). This is calculated in a separate Excel sheet and then we normalize manually, which takes extra time and comes with human error and sample mixup risks compared to if LIMS did the calculations directly and we could normalize on Hamilton. Therefore, it would be a great enhancement for the method if the step Normalization of RNA samples for sequencing had these features.


Describe/list actions to perform in order to complete the verification

Testing setup:

If doing more extensive testing, the setup and specification and results can be documented in the table below.

Protocol Step Test specification Comments/Results P/F Sign
Normalization of RNA samples for sequencing Normalization of RNA samples for sequencing TBA Comments or results from testing P (Pass) or F (Fail) based on the criteria in the Test specification Date and Sign

Project resources:

Don't forget to write where you document screenshots etc, if you keep them in a folder on Google Drive for example.


Summarize conclusions here.

Sign off

Head of Unit Lab Date


What is needed to implement changes Item Date signature
Information to staff
idalindegaard commented 11 months ago

Needed: Verification issue in repo Lab-Production when this is prioritized