Clinical-Genomics / demultiplexing

To keep scripts associated with execution of the Illumina demultiplexing pipeline
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Harder faster forever after #75

Closed ingkebil closed 5 years ago

ingkebil commented 5 years ago

Demux faster by using more cores!

How To test:

  1. clone on thalamus: git clone -b more-cores ~/git/<yourname>/demultiplexing
  2. Run bash ~/git/<yourname>/emux-novaseq.bash ~/STAGE/novaseq/runs/190129_A00689_0008_BHHGYWDSXX ~/STAGE/novaseq/demux/

Expected outcome:


[20190415093351] Here we go!
[20190415182509] cgstats select --project indexcheck

w00t w00t! It only took 9 hours!