Clinical-Genomics / event-driven-architecture

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3. [Explore] Write an Ansible playbook #15

Open seallard opened 1 month ago

seallard commented 1 month ago

Go ahead and write some other playbooks and use it to configure the container.

If you find an interesting Ansible feature, share it with the rest of the team.

We can showcase any interesting stuff during the retro.

ChrOertlin commented 1 month ago


seallard commented 1 month ago


Playbook to install Apache

- name: Install and start Apache HTTP server
  hosts: localhost
  become: yes


    - name: Ensure Apache is installed
        name: apache2
        state: present
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Ensure Apache is running and enabled
        name: "{{ 'apache2' }}"
        state: started
        enabled: yes

Playbook to restart Apache and reinstall if restart fails

- name: Install and start Apache HTTP server
  hosts: localhost
  become: yes


    - name: Ensure Apache is installed
        name: apache2
        state: present
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Ensure Apache is running and enabled
        name: "{{ 'apache2' }}"
        state: started
        enabled: yes