Clinical-Genomics / event-driven-architecture

Project tracking for event driven POC
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Determine key considerations when selecting a messaging platform #16

Open seallard opened 1 month ago

seallard commented 1 month ago

What are the most important aspects of the platform? What aspects of it should be considered? Use case: basic pub/sub pattern. Scale: small, < 1 million events/month long term. Hosting: on-prem

seallard commented 1 month ago
samuell commented 1 month ago

Some random ideas for aspects to consider:

seallard commented 1 month ago

What we need

seallard commented 1 month ago

Lets say we have 20 asynchronous steps in our organization for each sample.

  1. Order placed
  2. Reception control
  3. Lab prep
  4. Sequencing
  5. Data transfer from sequencing machine to NAS
  6. Demultiplexing
  7. Demultiplexed data transfer from NAS to Hasta
  8. Post demux processing
  9. Sequencing QC
  10. Job fabrication/analysis
  11. Post analysis QC
  12. Post analysis processing (concatenate fastqs for microsalt might be the only one?)
  13. Data upload
  14. Customer notification
  15. Encryption
  16. Compression
  17. Archiving
  18. Cleaning

Lets say we process 5000 samples per month and that each step in the flow is per sample (not true). Then our load would be, at most 100 000 events/month. That is nothing.

Even if we started processing a lot more samples and extended the use of events across our services, I don't think we would hit more than 10 M events/month.