Clinical-Genomics / loqusdbapi

A simple REST api for loqusdb
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Does the API support requests of variants by institute? #1

Closed northwestwitch closed 3 years ago

northwestwitch commented 3 years ago

Nice app @moonso! I'm working on this Scout issue I'd like to set up the demo via docker-compose and use it to send requests from Scout. Works nicely btw.

I was wondering if I can run queries by institute. If not this issue transforms into a feature request! :)

northwestwitch commented 3 years ago

Or wait perhaps if you have different institutes (each with its own loqusdb) you will have multiple IP addresses, one for each institute? I think this might be the case right? Sorry but it's the first time I work with loqusdb related code

moonso commented 3 years ago

Yes exactly @northwestwitch ! The institute specific databases are handled from Scout. So these will be independent instances of loqusdb running in parallel.