Clinical-Genomics / trailblazer

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Show all cases in order-view in TB #459

Open mathiasbio opened 2 weeks ago

mathiasbio commented 2 weeks ago

As a prodbioinfo user I want an easy way to identify which samples have the status "FAILED SEQ QC or "NOT RECEIVED" in TB order view, So that I can easily find the sample and understand where it is in the process, and if anything has gone wrong.

Currently we have this in the order view: image

However the cases that have the above mentioned statuses do not show up, and it's impossible without copy-pasting and some shell-scripting such as in this example copying all the delivered scout-links from SuSy into a textfile, then copying the list of ordered cases into another textfile, and looping through one file to see which cases is not included in the other.

It would be nice if all cases showed up in this view, or maybe the affected samples showed up when hovering over the status. Whatever the pro prodbioinfo people prefers! 🙏

Example order:

Acceptance Criteria


Implementation plan

islean commented 2 weeks ago

@mathiasbio Showing all cases in the table is quite a large change (they are not stored in Trailblazer yet) so what we could do is either

  1. Make a large refactoring where cases are added to Trailblazer at an earlier stage (probably a whole project).
  2. Visualize the case_ids per status on hover. The latter would be half-addressed by the linked issue.

Do you have other suggestions or a preference?

ChrOertlin commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, This is a trailblazer issue it seems - Moving it.

islean commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, This is a trailblazer issue it seems - Moving it.

I would rather we keep these kind of over-arching issues in cigrid-ui @ChrOertlin. They typically involve cg, trailblazer and cigrid-ui but the only one guaranteed before a technical refinement is cigrid-ui since that is where the problems manifest themselves. We do have a problem with people referring to the trailblazer tab in cigrid-ui as Trailblazer, but it is a bit more convoluted than that.

mathiasbio commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds good to add it as a hover over the status, the real goal is to just make it easier to find these cases, so if the hover function solves it without too much effort then I think that should be fine! : ) 🙏