ClintonYounge / To-Do-List-Project

To-Do List Project is a project where I set up a basic to-do list web application utilizing webpack configurations and ES6 recommended practices to optimize the projects interactivity. Along with testing.
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DRY, KISS, and YAGNI rules issue #7

Closed ClintonYounge closed 1 year ago

ClintonYounge commented 1 year ago

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), and YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It) are principles that aim to improve the quality of software development. Here's a brief analysis of how my code follows these principles:




Overall, and to my knowledge, my code seems to follow the DRY, KISS, and YAGNI principles by avoiding repetition, keeping things simple, and only including necessary features.