ClipplerBlood / journal-improvements

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[Issue/Bug] Markdown content is deleted if no markdown engine is set in the settings #7

Open SirMotte opened 1 year ago

SirMotte commented 1 year ago

This might be an edge case, as what I'm doing here is not supported by Foundry. I'm using simple html dropdown menus in a markdown document for easy location creation.


The thing is: The selections I make within those drop-downs are not saved yet, simply because there is no backend in foundry to save their state. So for now I'm adding another entry to manually type in my selections, in the hope, that one day this will be supported.


If I open up the dropdown entries in the editor they look like this: grafik

As soon as I open them with Journal Improvements activated (and no markdown engine selected in the options), most data is lost: grafik

Like I said, this is an absolute edge case scenario and I don't expect you to act on it at all. I only keep those drop down in, in the hopes, that one day either Foundry or a Mod Creator will provide functionality to actually save their state. until then they are pretty much convenience only, to quickly put together entries.

I work mostly in prose mirror so having markdown as default would be inconvenient.

Still, if you would manage to make Journal Improvements compatible it'd be even more convenient, otherwise feel free to close the issue this module is an immense help as it is already :). <3

A workaround for now, is to right click the documents that use markdown and edit them the default way.