Clivern / Lynx

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Simplify Terrform Backend configuration #66

Open ankek opened 1 month ago

ankek commented 1 month ago

Current configuration of TF Backend. backend "http" { username = "hs2d21pk" password = "pO(BwDTjs5ND" address = "http://localhost:4000/client/clivern/monitoring/prod/state" lock_address = "http://localhost:4000/client/clivern/monitoring/prod/lock" unlock_address = "http://localhost:4000/client/clivern/monitoring/prod/unlock" lock_method = "POST" unlock_method = "POST" }

Desired configuration of TF Backend.

terraform { backend "remote" {
hostname = "http://localhost:4000/api_path" organization = "company" token = "tXXkgPPOYDk4Sx5wxWtrXT4qPZxYq72yqOe2HpUQNjedW" workspaces { name = "clivern-monitoring-prod" # ${project}-${workspace}-${environment} } }

Additional context I want to propose you use "remote" backend instead of "http". There are a lot of benefits like: